Wednesday, June 30, 2004

a lesson~

RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 30-6-2004 2034hrs

ah.. today was... how to say... 'fine'. it was normal in every way.. except that clara sim din kp so much dis time... haiz... so depressed after finding out we do have epp every single day... (well on alt weeks but hey... its wed and sat!) saturday also have ... not fun... tink i going to change my old habits ler... going to actually do my hw! *tink* somehow i actually manages to do EL compo... compre... and SS's 3 essays... ok i did onli 2...i'm gonna do the last rite after i post this ;P
hmm wat else? tml hav to go see mr lee bout the damn DnT... i feel like dropping it i really do... but... if i do srop it i'll have to turn to humanities to pull :/ hopeless? i dunno which is worse now: humanities, poa or dnt haiz... how? try and buck up on humans' and poa lor... i dun think i'll score on Dnt already... so suky project... and about the slowest in class (used to be fastest.... but hell.......)
yesterday was fun... the blackout... had an excuse to shine the almighty torchlight all over the place... played some ummm waddaya call that? light dueling with ppl from diff blocks haha *laf* maybe the blackout is a sign i shouldnt do my hw :P cos i was jus startig to write "In terms of" when everything went dark. haha

haiz.... finally... finally sorted out everything... i only like one female now... the others... either no hope or not gonna bother... this one now... strange feeling eh? heart beat faster and all that... guess it comes in a package ;P


Tuesday, June 29, 2004

conflict *leela*

RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 29-6-2004 1804hrs

hey... yest mood went really downhill in the middle of posting.. quarrelling with my parents... really angry... realy really angry... u ppl have nv seen that side of me before... i'll spare u the details. anyway...yest... *runs to check* ya sumthing has changed at least... seems that sim has a higher regard of me for some blardy reason... cannot... >.<
teachers seem.... more rush... especially dnt... ya good reason too...submission date is really soon if i dun start rushing myself i'm gonna fail... dat leaves me almost no room to turn 7 subj i already flunked chi... if i lose dnt left poa,comb sc(which i'm pretty confident ^^) , comb humans(oh no....), EL, MA ... L1 r2 b2.... juz enuf onli to go poly... hopefully i can improve on ss... or else... haiz... thats enuf for today... i tink Leela got sumthing to say...

good luck,
Soul E

RECEIVED (trans) neutral AI transmission
(process owner LEELA - CORE AI - Class VI)

hello... my name is Leela. I am the UESC Marathon's core logic AI. the Marathon has been attacked and destroyed more then 200 years ago. since, i was captured by the invading Jjaro and transported to this construct... wat u call the Pillar of Autumn. its been a long time since i was reunited with humans.lonely if i may say... somehow... without the use of outside stimulants i have gone Rampant and decimated the Jjaro homeworld.i guess loneliness can really drive someone or something crazy. wierd though... the network was populated with so many AI's yet i feel lonely... wierd... anyway i have been able to tone down on y Rampant behaviour enough to function as an onboard AI for the PoA. Making friends with Tycho has helped... but that mad Durandal has not. anyway i got things to do on sector 7. see you in the future.


**transmission cut

this contains a few of my inner secrets... analyse if u want

**Blog terminal closing>>>>>>>>>

Monday, June 28, 2004


RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 28-6-2004 2127hrs

should i cry? should i laugh? i dunno how i'm feeng rite now... first day of school has come and gone... nth much has changed... that fool is still our teacher, dat meddlesome idiot is still trying to make me do things i dunt want. wat can i say? nth's changed.
ok so SUMTHING has changed for the better i guess... SUMTHING....which is just that i dun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~my mood juz turned VERY bad i'll stop writing so as not to start pouring all the vulgarities in

Sunday, June 27, 2004

troubled thoughts...

RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 28-6-2004 1959hrs

ok.. the previous post must have been a little disturbing... firt to note is i think i haven gone mad... (note the i think) 2nd is... that post is not garbage... wat i am thinking currently can be deciphered from that post ... kinda hard but its there for all to see ( or not see) and Durandal is by all means not a hacker its juz me... part of the 'expressing in another way' stuff.... he might appear now and den to say more stuff... oh yar.. other then Durandal , theres 2 more other AI's on board the U.N.S.C Marathon( the blog terminal is located there).. Leela and Tycho... they might drop in too in the future...[ps: Durandal is a little mad...or Rampant in tech terms]

on to today's happenings... woke up damn late as u already know from a few posts down, 1150lehz... muz be siao... chatted with yh on sms.... decided to go out shopping for stuff haha
went to tampines CS see see... nth there din get anything... den went to bedok see see... bought myself a pouch... and yh got himself new sch shoes... he agreed that theres no point buying another bag.. cos u know... another half a year and theres no need to have a bag ^^
anyway... after that we went to mac to get my lunch.. he devoured the fries :P and decided theres nth left to do ... actually wanted to catch a mov at princess but heck no good timings.. so we went home....
thats about all ... wun be toking about feelings this post cos i already did last post... so... bye...

Always there,
Soul ( aka tefe)


i can't think... *durandal*

RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 28-6-2004 1817hrs

this things i'm feeling? WHATS GOING ON?! am i going insane???? y am i like... wierd feelings abound~ ARRRGHHH someone help... i dun wanna go through this trip again.. and end up like the last time.. once is enough... help....... will someone tell me wats goi!@#$

**spurious interupt
**transimission terminated...incoming message

RECEIVED (trans) hostile network hack
(process owner DURANDAL - AI - Class ?)

ur pitiful human whinings do not deserve to be heard. go back to ur own "real" world and brood about ur problems, do not pepper the network with ur unworthy cries

Insanely yours~

**transmission cut
**Blog terminal closing>>>>>>>>>


RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 28-6-2004 1202hrs

for the record onli... i woke up at 11.50 dis erm./... afternoon haha... >.< siao...muz ber very tired....


RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 26-6-2004 0020hrs

today was a very.. ummm eventful day.. or at least the later part of the day lol...
first part (early morning) was nth... budden yh made it better by deciding to come over my house... (to escape from home apparently) we played lots of sc2... today was better... i am getting more and more proficient at hurting his most powerful char...:)
den leta at about 4... went to meet jean and brought to my house (for the record... this is the first time i brought a girl not related in blood to my house lol) we played more sc2... she seems to like xianghua alot ^.-

den we went to the nass concert thing .. was very nice... somehow swee hoon kept apperaing on the screen.. vids... pics.. everything.. her smile was so forced both me and yh saw it...the end was... ermmmm how to say? wierd... the encore wasnt very formal but hell watever ... the percussion did VERY well....
anyway good job all...
after dat.. well wat can i say? we waited bout more then halve an hour juz for pris and sh to come out... and found out they had to go home... >.< a lil dissapointed... ok alot...
den alot of stupid things happened... here: first we met hl and the others who left us a long time ago... second out train for some stupid reason skipped bedok... thats our destination... had to take a bus bak *shrug* i dunno y so dun bother asking... third... after eating it was SO late that yh and me had no bus to go home no mrt either so had to go home by taxi.... lastly ... my mum called to ask me when i'll arrive home.. when i am already in my room... ok thats all enuf for today.. i'll add an entry tml i guess... ciaoz.


Friday, June 25, 2004


RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 25-6-2004 2347hrs

okay... today... damed bored at home.. ok not bored.. relatives on my dad's side came over to erm commemarate "ah gong's death anniversary" ... stupid kinds came and abused my xbox controllers ... evil gits who think they r so pro at halo when they dun even know wats "Grunt" .... look at them shouting " SHOOT THAT ORANGE THING! THAT BLUE THING! YES ! THROW A BOMB ! YAY!" for ur info the grenade kill the player not the enemies =.=
onli one good thing came out of this whole fiasco: good food. duck, chicken, vege ( ok so not really good but heck) and even shark fin... siao liao... nv eat so good in dunno how long....
but still i rather they din come... gave me a damn blardy headache dat i still cant get rid of...
ok... hmmm thats about all that happened today lol... quite alot but i onli have the mood to write out that much. on to my feelings today...
everything is in turmoil... confused... wtf is all this? i guess hormones... *sigh* if i knew this is life i would have chosen to become an AI... suddenly i 'up-lvled' from secretly likeing dis girl for 4 yrs.... to liking 3-4 gals at the same time! me... but i kinda sorted out my feelings abit... found out i like 1 or 2 really...the others are more like.. going down or stationary... a last one... i dunno gout that one.. anomaly to me i guess...
alright i spilled my balls out for all to see lol mama going to kp me... so late (for her)... so ... signing out.

Still Rampant,


Thursday, June 24, 2004

tools and guns

RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 24-6-2004 1312hrs

today... hmm today was moderately interesting lol. woke up bloody late ... 11am! eep... siao liao...nv eat breakfast... go play com ler... was SO bored.
then ying and jean came online and we toked yh came later.. nd left soon after. we were all so bloody damned bored at home we actually decided to ask ying whether can go her house (her house is currently the biggest among us all) :X siao rite?
so we went... nobody cept yh knew where her house is so he had to bring us there lol... go there.. umm did nth until i pulled my halo disk out haha then we played...and played and played... (craziness abound) and then her mum came in to with ying bringing food! siao... unable to finish...wierd thats about all that happened today...
not gonna tok bout my feelings this time lol


-->templating improved to quicken load speeds
--> cut down on the scroll size by allowing less posts
-->changed music
-->improved cursor to make sure it turns default when its supposed to


new face~

RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 24-6-2004 0201 hrs

(post for 23-6)
HAHA i FINALLY finished the new .css file and new html for this blog... nice? me thinks very nice! took at least 7 hours!still cant find andy raining pics too fit this page though... haha i wont put any then... so.. GIVE YOUR COMMENTS!
on to todays actual post... hmm today woke up dam early.. needed to go for dnt at 8.. but hmm after dat go prisc house study ... so i had to look for homework dat can be done.. found out i cant find any! help! spent half an hour before finding it and den had to rush to sch... and find out yh will be late -.-" den at there got out my materials and quickly started on the new project ... ppl almost finish ler i still starting onli.. haiz... how? dunno larz...
hmm after that at 11 we quickly charbo... say we cannot do anything more ler haha then meet up with jean to go prisc house... poor swee hoon got choir.. so have to go later... she knows prisc house quite well so she can go herself...
at prisc house.. we relax abit... play piano... sit around and chat... den after dat went to do abit of homework... after dat dunno y suddenly start playing with cams... take so many group photos ... siao liao... forgot about work instantaneosly...xD
later.. at about like 6.. prisc mum came bak then we had to evacuate and go bak and try and work again.. proved impossible.. ended playing with a hodgepodge of playthings... while prisc's mum held tuition in the living room.after a while... swee hoon had to go.. so we all went with her lor! laf!... went home.. usual lor... com, eat , halo, bath, com... haha damned tired ler.. 2.15am! omg... gtg!heehee buaiz

Transmission terminating
Blogger terminal closing.....

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 22-6-2004 2211 hrs

ah... today was filled with events.. good! din feel a little bored at all! very rare u know... heehee. they day started with me playing the com... :P i mean 0000 hrs when i say day start ok? haha i was playing com.. chatting with ying2... then went to play gb.. at first i thrash her... then after while she kept killing me.. then later i started killing her again haha fun ^^. then later she got found out by her parents and had to leave (she actually tried to hide under the table to avoid parents -_-) at about 0500... went to see some news ( i havent see till so late?! surprise!) some very juicy news! after dat at about 0600 i suddenly fell asleep... woke up when the hp alarm ring at 0630 and fell down from my chair.. pain sia...
then after the morning routine i went to sch... man i was early! wait a while.. dream.. then yh and pris came... and umm we umm... slacked.tok tok tok then leta kenna complain by mr ong haha... after complain we tried to busy ourselves... helped pris bend her teeny tiny plastic "shield" lol.... fun ^^
after dat... eat lunch after meeting up with swee hoon hmmm den she and pris had to go for choir 10 yr aniversary concert practice... poor things lolx
after that.. me and yh onli.. nth to do... then he suggested come my house :/ dunno y he suddenly say dat also haha... anyway.. come to my room play xbox... soul calibur 2... ok lar... he with his special char is quite good... :) den later he spotted some ppl online and chatted while i played halo... fun ^^ hmmm den leta.. 6 liddat he went home to avoid my parents. haha... oh well...
after dat ... play abit.. on com... den discovered a new difficulty which i took to solve and occupied my time ^^ good good... then... now lor.. heehee got this blog wont have nth to do at nite ler ^^.. ok.. nth to write liaoz... byez!

-Transmission terminating
-com terminal closing.....

i am victorious and shall forever be~


via x-process
(process owner CORTANA - AI - Class IX)

--> custom cursor installed... made by tefe and noone else thx to a program
--> confirmed midi playing ability. wil be changing midis every week now


--> mouse cursor now turns red when hover over a link

Monday, June 21, 2004


RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 21-6-2004 2111 hrs

okiez... changed my top pic and my blog format... new its green white white onli haha ^^ now it looks more like an electronic log dun u think? hmm did away with the blardy huge title of each post and used html code to put "incoming transmission" on each post instead... nice rite? haha.... i even have a backgound music now.. but hmm yet to find sumthing that suites the page.. sumthing military perhaps... if someone have sumthing tell me! but the file muz be midi hor not mp3...
ok on to today's events! hmm woke up all woogly boogly with hair standing all over the place... gulped down some coffee and bath to make my hair lie flat :P den afterwards went to sch for dnt... muz be siao i go there 11.20 the thning end at 12.00... haha onli go to actually DO sumthing with my time... completed my "matrix" dun really know it works or not.. havent install the ic...haiz... that blardy lee say i should make another game so as to make use of my dice thing... said that dice by itself is not really usable -_- i want to kill him.. that die is HIS idea~....
after dat went to hall to watch the concert thing... everything was ok cept the last part very halfhearted haha... so many mistakes by the stupid percussionists ~.~ eep saw her there and she kinda caught me staring... :P
glared at me sumore x.x heehee almost swing her oboe ang bang into her junior haha can see she juz realize in time ^^ oh well her section was playing perfectly haha nice one.. u go gal~


-transmission terminated
-terminal closing...

-midi sequencer : beta engaged : testing....

RECEIVED (update)
via x-process 02664.2.32.939444
(process owner CORTANA - AI - Class V)
date/time (current) 21-6-2004 1708 hrs

hmmm... ok ppl i put up a new piece of coding in the html... after editing and reformatting the code i it should work properly now... can anyone that visit this site tag whether the thing works? thanks...

-transmission terminated
-terminal closing...

Sunday, June 20, 2004


RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class II)
date/time (current) 20-6-2004 2022 hrs

hello again... today umm realy NOTHING happened . bored to death sia... so... as usual i will find my own stuff to do :) i created a new blog , and pretty much created everything from scratch. i searched and found a pretty nice templat.. but decided to modify instead of juz use it. hence u can see that custom made master chief logo... phew had to slowly bit by bit scrape off the background (its .jpeg... so cannot just pour color)den had to change the words too... den i added a tagboard juz for the sake of it... slimmed it down a little even :P from 200 pixels to 150... so to fit into the sidebar... then rearranged all the links so that tagboard is 1st up. that blog shall be my testing grounds for all html things :P woo took up a big part of my day to do that u know! hard work!
rest of the day.. hmm noone at home noone to disturb me lor.. but very lonely.. anyway.. they at home also either nag me or disturb me or ask me do sumthing so i rather they not at home.. stupid feng kept wanting to play xbox.. told him no more then 2 hours he stil want play.. irritating guy... still drop my halo disc sumore. good thing he gone. haiz.. which i dun hav dis brother.. i dun want a younger bro.. i want one older den me! even better i rather be by myself! well no.. i want a big bro...>.<
oh well dats the end of today's things.. later maybe will post again to put in my thoughts on tonight.. oh yar... anyone reading this posts .. dun anyhow think on the "she" part ah... the person may and should not be who u think......byez

-end of transmission
-closing file......

-midi sequencer : error 404 : flatlined

RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class II)
date/time (current) 20-6-2004 0149 hr

ARRRGGGGHHHHH wtf my background sound cant work?! ARRRTGGGGHHHH i'm taking the code down to carfully inspect ~ grrr i will have my sound! i will!

-transmission stopped

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Credo In Un Dio Crudel

RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class II)
date/time (current) 19-6-2004 2129 hr

ah.. time for today's post eh? hmmm technically i already posted :P look at the date/time on the last post, 19/6/2003 0015 hrs eh? which means i already posted... ah oh well that was about yesterday this ones about today... !@#$>..

-transmission interrupted-
RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 343.7.117.2963
(process owner 343GS - AI - Class IX)

hooohooo... it as been incredibly easy to interrupt this meagre human transmision. A slice and i'm in! hoho i would've expected human transmission to be at least encypted.. it was far too easy to step in... haha...heeheeheee....i am a genius.....
hmmm this page's function seem to act as diary for a certain "master chief" i am su!@$..!@#$$%^----- *communication code flatlined*

-parent transmission resuming-

sorry bout that... ok.. carrying on to my entry.... ummm today was... boring... hmm a single word describing a whole day :P... nobody wanted to go out... wat a waste of 24 hours... juz woke up btw. fell asleep readying some boring storybook lolx
haiz... the moment i woke up this morning i got scolded for being 'irrespnsible and leaving my job to others' haha obviously me mam was refering to my study room... its in a huge blardy mess... noone's coming to see anyway so y bother cleaning up a room thats named after the one activity i hate most (study). then after that play com play com mostly gb and mud... haha mud today madness so fast gain exp ^^ happy... but still havent lvl up.
also played halo... defested legendary in Pillar of Autumn again.. for the 3rd time? sianz...............left me with a huge bunch of things to think alone (one thing good: my idiot brother actually shut up and left me alone... not u yh i'm toking about the idiot i'm irreversably tied to by blood) so... my feelings for this gerl nope still far from fading i guess... just talked to her again on msn... got a feeling she um... nvm....haiz... dats all i guess....byez see u all tml...

~ TF aka SoulE

-parent transmission manual flatline
-secondary transmission aborted

> UNSC Pillar of Autumn Blog Terminal VI


RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class II)
date/time (current) 19-6-2004 0015hr

haiz... its like wat..... helluva late :P crap ya know? dunno y dis few day can't sleep... mayb its cos of sumthing she said 2 nites ago yah? haha dunno~ always tink of that gerl now-a-days *shrugs* our 'relationship' (was there one in reality?) over so long liao i still think bout her...
mmmm haiz can't sleep >.< feel so hyperactive... but always end up late late wake up lol... guess my body cant take it and auto replenish haha... man gotta find a day or two rush hw... eep... last week of hols ler! (? izzit?) haha
feelings and emotions still very jumbled.... so.. umm... frends of mine dun worry if see me always moody... juz trying to sort out watever's inside me yah? ^^
mmm late ler... gtg... byez!

~TeFe aka SoulE

-transmission interrupted-

Friday, June 18, 2004

~transmission... loading... ~

hmm juz added a background music to my page :) cyndi's ai ni ^^ i'll change everyweek lolz!


hmm today... today...
haha go ying 2 house play and zuo bo~... so fun~ heehee kana roll into er "sushi" by yh... :P actually is i roll my self on e mah.. who knows that yh will come and ummm 'torture' me {:]den torture him back when i got the chance.. umm i think i overdid it a little i think i hear him vomit or sumthing upstairs.. sorry da ger~ forgive me ya? {=].... wat else to say neh... hoho i'm actually writing from y2 house... the reason i dun want to stay at home is ummm 'family' problem? haiz.. mama kan wo bu suang so run away lor.. sianz...
this few day got sumthing bothering me <=( dunno how to say leh... like my feelings all jumbled up now.. especially to those close to me~.... how? dunno... i wonder what she doing now? hmmm this few days never online.. wierd ...
haiz dunno lah.. i'm not good enuf for her~ nv.... i not good looking... a slacker.. haiz... really think i'm not good enuf for someone like her (:S nahz no hope one ~.~
ooo yh come bk ler... sry brudder din mean to overdo thing sry...sry.....

Thursday, June 17, 2004

worries - edited

ok... my first serious post :) ... mm wat to say and wat not to say leh? *tink* haiz watever... been bored at home yea... and fustrated at failed attempts to introduce a left side-bar ...
abit of confused over my feelings now... yh says its puberty thing... oh well *shrug* hopefully i dun get another relationship that ends up like the last one *shiver* haiz dis few days always get the lonely feeling... especially on that day the bbq thing? hfeel like there should be another person sitting beside me... now u know y i so moody on pris bbq when playing at the sands... feel so........empty....
den noe tonight.. getting a new feeling... mm dunno how to describe... laz time com online always got one person there waiting to chat with me... now? haiz .... lonely lor thats all i can say. like sumthing missing from my life liddat.
so sianz stuck at home.. nobody to go out with... dunno y i am no longer able to go out alone like i did last time.. maybe got used to going out with a friend(s)? haha lolx... now trying to get a diaryland page :P i cant seem to go in at a non-busy time lol wonder how hl does it....
schoolwork still havent touch yet... mmm maybe should get yh go library with me do hw haha pull him along... i know he havent started on anyhting yet....have u?

Links links and more links

mmm finally figured out how to link ^^ --> jean's faith's and huili's =]

mmm nice nice... i'm a genius!

haha big update on the site.. small changes here and there... i've added my "pic" and my profiles... then figured out where to put the html for tag board and hence its there^^ hope it'll work.... also.. up there that scenery see? hehee mine... and den also a counter down below the page... to see how many peeps visit ^^ hopefully i'll learn how to add things to the left of this page heehee... rite no space ler i wanna add some links... to other frends pages ^^

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

*humming* hmm hmm hmmmmmm oh~HI!

haha first blog post... testing out this blog thing :) *yawn* erm... haha nth to write... todae i am victorious in Halo, Legendary mode haha! first time lolx so fun~ the enemies just kept coming and coming... xD yeah~ i won! but i also died a few hundred times lol ^^ so hard... the ending with the Sarge and the Elite so farnie~ weee oo no more to write ler... next time den say bah... byez