Saturday, January 05, 2008

its hard to overstate my satisfaction~

i guess not everyone who reads it will 'get' the title. oh well. Portal

What am I so satisfied you ask? I passed my Basic Theory Test for Driving XD.


I can hear the derisive snorts already. I guess for some of you it was a breeze, after all, all you had to do was remember all the facts from the book right? Well its not as easy for me as it is for some of you. My brain basically rejects whatever I try to cram forcibly inside it. Luckily, there are trial question websites out there (i didn't have the wisdom to get the question book...), that let me learn thru trial and error. Now thats an effective learning tool. Stupid book. =P

So yea, thats stage one for driving done, another half a dozen more.

In other news...

Remember that cube i got? Look what i did:

Okay, so maybe buying the cube wasn't the brightest idea i had. I'm getting sheets the first chance i get. Meanwhile, i'll busy myself with a no-grade Gundam i just got to practice painting on. Hope that experiment works better then this one =/


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