Monday, February 06, 2006


er... how long is it since i last posted ? i think at least 1/2 a year. oh well, this post is mainly a whine post, so feel free to skip it, if theres ANYONE reading the blog at all now (i think people stumble onto the blog through Naruto searches or something... great i just made it worse).

Anyway, i just had to let it out... just got complained at by my mum for buying one measly FullMetal Alchemiest manga... is 7 every few months reaally that much? she says she would rather i buy some non-pirated cds.. what kind of cds can 7 bucks give you? 7 bucks can barely get you pirated ones -.- lame. Just for the random police that came here through a "pirated" search, no i dont buy any... kinda impossible to find any shops selling them near my area anyway.



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