Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hot Coffee,bad times

Can't believe i already hit 120 posts. lol.i know some other people have probably gone over that, but well, my posts are less of a daily dairy thing and more of a journalist article thing. i wonder why i even post here. maybe cuz i want my views of the world to be heard? *shrug*

todays topic: the recent crisis in the gaming world, regarding Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, and the controversial Hot Coffee mod, which unlocks a certain pixelly sex minigame.

My views is that there is something very wrong with US politics. I'm not badmouthing the higher ups, but yes, i think that there is something VERY wrong with those uptight people who claim that "Videogames are for kids" and that "kids should not be exposed to this malevolent view of the world". kids? GTA:SA is rated M 17+ for god sakes. yes, we know retailers do not have to check for age, but it IS rated. both the Movie and TV industries have thier own rating (and there isnt a law in the world that states that retailors would be fined if NC movies are sold to minors). who else is at fault? Everyone.Take Two and Rockstar are rightly blamed to not show the explicit content. the ESRB should be faulted for not rating things the right way (please. whats the difference between M17+ and AO18+? one years difference?) the parents who bought the games for their kids should be faulted for not using the rating at all. the kids? i dunno bout them. as long as they understand what the hell is going on and they shouldnt go around fucking their girlfriends, its ok.

thats it for today. i dont believe any of my readers (if theres any) can stand a longer rant. =)


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