Sunday, May 29, 2005


Alright. So things have been going pretty smoothely since the last post. Well heck things have been going smoothly since NYPorientation, bar one or two minor problems. Recieved our personal timetables, and subsequently bought our needed lecture/tutorial notes. Stuff looks all set. today and tomorrow shall be as Gandalf said, "The deep breath before the plunge". hopefully the first weeks of school will be smooth sailing.

Looked through 2 module's top topics... and i don't understand anything. lol. Math's first page was decieving. "The Number System" who hasn't seen that every year since Secondary 1? turns out its a trick to lure students into a false sense of security, since the next page is " The Binary System". the way they turn 1's and 0's into other numbers is simply magical. XD

I've entered myself into the tryouts for the NYP Team of World Cyber Games, in Halo 2 and CounterStrike: Source (CS is more of just having fun and making a fool of myself, as well as try out the game :) while Halo2 i'm really serious about entering the thing)

wish me luck!

TF, Blazorax
p/s: Blazorax will be my handle from now on on forums, my gamertag on Xbox LIVE and other internet stuff. GB ID will remain Blazorboy, cuz er.. well it sounds appropriate for a game like Gunbound ;) cya all
p/p/s: added a new link, Ivan's Blog


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