Thursday, May 19, 2005


booyah... now in NYP orientation. some kind of pc survival course lol -.-
Friendster is BLOCKED! wahahahah blogger is still better then most ( i still hate the goddamn stupid bar on top.)

anywayz... again for everyone to know... my art stuff are in Deviant Art ... ummm heres the LINK. lol thats kinda all for now.. nothing much to say, since the OGL all crapping nia. and.. i have this new little email the school gave us. but... i rather anyone email me thru ain't got too much space at nyp email (20mb... pathetic).

oh... i'll draw up a quick 3 page overview of the orientation if i find the school has a scanner. =3
cya all

Mood: Normal

byyyy the way... i made up a little wallpaper, only availabe in 1024x768
click the small pic to link , or right-click save target as. k? =)

edit: i updated the links section to include websites i really like. and also changed the web address to i also updated the About Me, and Online Handle (formally Nicks), cuz the old ones were obsolete. and yes, to any IT0510 guys who bothered to visit this page, thanks. u guys totally rock. some of my stuff, like any digital art i made, can be found in the DeviantArt link to the right. i update that page whenever i find time to upload sumthing. the most recent one i usually post here. for those who can't get my name right, call me TF, all my sec sch friends call me that. =)


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