Saturday, May 21, 2005


so. orientation's over. ummm yea over.
first day is a little sian, since half the day is talks and whatnot. the only really interesting part of that ultra-long intro is the WCG call for tryouts for the NYP team. i was half asleep by then, and didn't catch the email address. man what a waste. i need to go and stare at the noticeboards until they show it again. after that was breezed through, so i don't remember much of day 1

things pick up slightly, the first portion was a maths lecture and tutorial, part a-math crashcourse, part taste of lectures and tutorials. boring. PC survival is better since we get to sit infront of a pc. since MSNMSGR is blocked, i've been thinking of setting up an obscure account in an obscure forum, to act as IM for IT0510. need to discuss with the class first.

again with the lectures. got out admin cards. Mine and a few others got a slightly different one. duno y. been trying to look around at noticeboards but can't seem to catch the email add. i do know tryouts are on 19-20 june. i'll be there.

so. my super brief write up on the 3 day orientation. =P many thanx goes to our OGLs(orientaition group leaders) Azura, WeiPing, and Nathan (the president, our OGL! =PPP)
it'll take time for the enitre class of er... 17? to really bond, but i'm thinking we'll do, since most of us digs anime.

ok...i'm getting a little desperate with the WCG here.. so here goes: anyone who knows the email for World Cyber Games, Nyp Team, please tell me, thru whatever means. thanks!


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