Friday, June 03, 2005

wee... a relaxed blog post today.

those reading this blog should know i've been posting rather... heavy post for a long time. sometime i really don't understand why i've been posting here. i'm no aspiring journalist. but wot the heck i just do it. justifies me creating a website. lalalalalalaa.... so hows me? hmm... i'm ok at school, nothing too bad yet. don't have a cca, but thinking of joining the mind sports club or sumthing. nothing bad with improving my weiqi playing ability right? its too bad only 2 ppl in my class have ANY experience at all with that game.

HTML is pretty boring. yes i know i'm sort of bragging, but whatever that is taught in this semester i pretty much know. all i need is a month and i'll have everything hardcoded into my brain. JAVA tho... java is a little more interesting. i've been thru the first practical, and its NOTHING like C++, in that it is actually more fustrating and longwinded. in short, i hate it. but i expect i'll come to like it more after i actually start remembering the syntax.

so. 1st week over. a few hundred more to go. Gambatte to everyone!.

TF Blazorax/Blazorboy


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