Saturday, July 02, 2005

blazorax souledagar Teng Fei...

whattehey... so long since i last posted. As if anyone cares huh.
i'll be taking off the top picture soon, since i've decided not to work on the comic in any sort of reliable way. again, as if anyone cares. might post some art randomly, when i feel like it. i'm no art student, but at least i can use photoshop to some extent.

well. I don't regret coming to Nanyang Polytechnic. My grumbling about not getting into DET has lessened since the last time i sounded off here. i love the projects, assignments and tutorials. someone get rid of the lectures. that aspect of change isn't as good as the rest.
Found that i can keep up (even be ahead in some modules), with only Cmath and Japanese being my main weakness. i find the complementary elective far from being complementary. In fact, its currently fighting for dominance with Cmath, a core module. I wonder if i could drop the entire language all together, i didnt shake off Chinese for this.

i still hate group projects, as i feel group mates are more of a liability then an asset. as friends these group of people are fine, as collegues that i have to work with? terrible.


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