Monday, August 01, 2005


i'm am very very pissed right now, so i'm using the blog to sound off. I made a post yesterday about something to do with the Jap module and me, so read that if you would rather not read this. Why am i pissed ya say? its because of some rather unthoughtful person, namely my mom.

see, my great-grandmother (mother of my mother of my mother) died a few days ago. her funeral's going on right about now. thing is, she asked me to go on the first or second day , i went, of course, to pay my respects, even tho i don't approve of funerals at all. see, IMO when a person dies he or she leaves, no matter how elaborate a funeral is he or she cant appreciate or feel it. and i dont believe in a "one god" either, or any number of gods either. I consider Mother Nature to be the most powerful force on this planet, second only to Man's self-destructive capability.

what happened then that made me so really irritated. well, this oh-so-thoughtful mom of mine had a great idea! she asked me to go TODAY, monday. its the last day of the funeral, and i thought why not? yea i was tired an all after a 8-6pm school day, but yea, last respects, no? problem arises here, after i went there, not 5 mins into the thing she spots me and waves me over to join her in the stupid prayers thing. i obliged knowing my mom, but i then realized this is only the first round of 3. omg. and i had no idea it was optional either. so there i was sitting there, breathing fumes, steadily getting faint and more and more annoyed. by the end of the first round i was gripping my head from a near-migrain level headache. well, as anyone who knows me well know i would, i lost my temper at the second round and stormed off (well that caused my head to split again, damn) i'm sure i offended a few of my elders there, but what do i care? I'm the one whos had a long day, and is having adverse effects from the fumes, and i don't even believe in this crap

I don't think i did anything wrong and i'm not sorry either, so don't bother berrating me.

TengFei - Blazorax
p/s: if my kids ever hold this kind of funeral when i'm gone, i'll literally rise from the dead and burn everything down. grrrrrrr


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