Saturday, October 15, 2005

arrest Jack

ok.. not-so-recently state attorney Jack Thompson and Hillary Clinton pushed for the renaming of GTA:san andreas from an "M for Mature" to "AO: Adults Only" (which is, 1 year's difference btw)

alright. in light of the recent arrest of 2 Singaporeans for speaking against the Malay community, i would like to use this opportunity to call for an arrest for Jack, for harrassment (of ms Reno) and for publicly insulting quite a large number of people (for e.g. call all gamers drug addicts)

he also had this to say of Islam:

In an interview with the Sun-Sentinel, Thompson expressed his views on Islam [29][30][31][32]:
"The Bible doesn't promote killing innocent people," Thompson said. "Grand Theft Auto does. Islam does.""Islam promotes the killing of innocent people," Thompson said. "The Quran requires the infidel, whether Jew or Christian, to be killed. … That's a core essence of the religion. … Muhammad was a pirate who killed infidels and who advocated the killing of infidels. Not a nice guy. Osama bin Laden is in keeping with his fine tradition."

all of which is untrue, unless i am horribly mistaken about the Muslim religion. So, our dear Jack is a jerk, rascist and insults anyone who disagrees with him. All of which is more then enough to put him behind bars in Singapore, no?

i would like to point out that the above is taken from a Wikipedia post:
you can check it out if you want a full account of his insanity


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