Saturday, April 29, 2006

ah! school!

eep! *sigh* School's started, obviously that means more work less play. Our timetables are horrible, these ugly gigantic gaps between classes opening up like the maw of some great ancient dinosaur, just waiting to swallow us up in its endless chasm of boredom. -.-

So this past 2 weeks is busier then most, in a way i dun't like to describe, what with all the project stuff, and other work. This is Year 2, so apparently the tutors decided not to "spoon-feed" us , which resulted in the simple but complicated matter of figuring out where our tutorials and practicals are, whereas last year, they printed it out for us, included in the lecture notes.

Pretty dissapointed in the project. I thought it'll be some sort of free-style work, with proper planning and stuff, without restrictions to what we have to do (except for consulting the tutor as to whether the plan is ridiculous). *sigh* no, our project entails us to ... what? make a Library System, and somehow innovate on such a boring system. What hasn't the National Library done? bleh, i was hoping to make a game.

Pretty much finalized the deck i'm playing. Magic is a way to pass time in the above mentioned "chasms of boredom", so i had to make something... interesting. Boros Deck Wins, in a multiplayer environment, is pretty interesting =P. wish i had more Lightning Helixes tho =(


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