Saturday, April 08, 2006

its crashing around us!

looks like the new hosting i got can support the day to day downloading of the images (though its only a few, they're quite large =/) still working on the left navigation.. just cant get it to look right! I might just take the image map down and just go with text links -.-

okays, this week went pretty exciting, or at least the end of it. got myself Oblivion and started screwing around to squeeze every single bit of power out of my PC. turns out it can run it pretty well if everything was set to low. i refuse to turn down the view distances (imagine looking at sentosa, then imagine it suddenly vanishing as if it never existed) so my frame rates stutter when i go out of a city. but indoors, as long as theres no friggin huge light source creating hundreds of shadows (fuk the Mage's Guild), i do a fine 25-35 fps :).

school starts in a week, and.. i still cant get my timetable... whats up with that!? i cant get my notes without my timetables! more importantly, i cant play with C++ without my notes! i'm such a geek. :P


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