Tuesday, June 22, 2004


RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 22-6-2004 2211 hrs

ah... today was filled with events.. good! din feel a little bored at all! very rare u know... heehee. they day started with me playing the com... :P i mean 0000 hrs when i say day start ok? haha i was playing com.. chatting with ying2... then went to play gb.. at first i thrash her... then after while she kept killing me.. then later i started killing her again haha fun ^^. then later she got found out by her parents and had to leave (she actually tried to hide under the table to avoid parents -_-) at about 0500... went to see some halo.bungie.org news ( i havent see till so late?! surprise!) some very juicy news! after dat at about 0600 i suddenly fell asleep... woke up when the hp alarm ring at 0630 and fell down from my chair.. pain sia...
then after the morning routine i went to sch... man i was early! wait a while.. dream.. then yh and pris came... and umm we umm... slacked.tok tok tok then leta kenna complain by mr ong haha... after complain we tried to busy ourselves... helped pris bend her teeny tiny plastic "shield" lol.... fun ^^
after dat... eat lunch after meeting up with swee hoon hmmm den she and pris had to go for choir 10 yr aniversary concert practice... poor things lolx
after that.. me and yh onli.. nth to do... then he suggested come my house :/ dunno y he suddenly say dat also haha... anyway.. come to my room play xbox... soul calibur 2... ok lar... he with his special char is quite good... :) den later he spotted some ppl online and chatted while i played halo... fun ^^ hmmm den leta.. 6 liddat he went home to avoid my parents. haha... oh well...
after dat ... play abit.. on com... den discovered a new difficulty which i took to solve and occupied my time ^^ good good... then... now lor.. heehee got this blog wont have nth to do at nite ler ^^.. ok.. nth to write liaoz... byez!

-Transmission terminating
-com terminal closing.....


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