Saturday, June 19, 2004

Credo In Un Dio Crudel

RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class II)
date/time (current) 19-6-2004 2129 hr

ah.. time for today's post eh? hmmm technically i already posted :P look at the date/time on the last post, 19/6/2003 0015 hrs eh? which means i already posted... ah oh well that was about yesterday this ones about today... !@#$>..

-transmission interrupted-
RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 343.7.117.2963
(process owner 343GS - AI - Class IX)

hooohooo... it as been incredibly easy to interrupt this meagre human transmision. A slice and i'm in! hoho i would've expected human transmission to be at least encypted.. it was far too easy to step in... haha...heeheeheee....i am a genius.....
hmmm this page's function seem to act as diary for a certain "master chief" i am su!@$..!@#$$%^----- *communication code flatlined*

-parent transmission resuming-

sorry bout that... ok.. carrying on to my entry.... ummm today was... boring... hmm a single word describing a whole day :P... nobody wanted to go out... wat a waste of 24 hours... juz woke up btw. fell asleep readying some boring storybook lolx
haiz... the moment i woke up this morning i got scolded for being 'irrespnsible and leaving my job to others' haha obviously me mam was refering to my study room... its in a huge blardy mess... noone's coming to see anyway so y bother cleaning up a room thats named after the one activity i hate most (study). then after that play com play com mostly gb and mud... haha mud today madness so fast gain exp ^^ happy... but still havent lvl up.
also played halo... defested legendary in Pillar of Autumn again.. for the 3rd time? sianz...............left me with a huge bunch of things to think alone (one thing good: my idiot brother actually shut up and left me alone... not u yh i'm toking about the idiot i'm irreversably tied to by blood) so... my feelings for this gerl nope still far from fading i guess... just talked to her again on msn... got a feeling she um... nvm....haiz... dats all i guess....byez see u all tml...

~ TF aka SoulE

-parent transmission manual flatline
-secondary transmission aborted

> UNSC Pillar of Autumn Blog Terminal VI


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