Monday, June 21, 2004


RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 21-6-2004 2111 hrs

okiez... changed my top pic and my blog format... new its green white white onli haha ^^ now it looks more like an electronic log dun u think? hmm did away with the blardy huge title of each post and used html code to put "incoming transmission" on each post instead... nice rite? haha.... i even have a backgound music now.. but hmm yet to find sumthing that suites the page.. sumthing military perhaps... if someone have sumthing tell me! but the file muz be midi hor not mp3...
ok on to today's events! hmm woke up all woogly boogly with hair standing all over the place... gulped down some coffee and bath to make my hair lie flat :P den afterwards went to sch for dnt... muz be siao i go there 11.20 the thning end at 12.00... haha onli go to actually DO sumthing with my time... completed my "matrix" dun really know it works or not.. havent install the ic...haiz... that blardy lee say i should make another game so as to make use of my dice thing... said that dice by itself is not really usable -_- i want to kill him.. that die is HIS idea~....
after dat went to hall to watch the concert thing... everything was ok cept the last part very halfhearted haha... so many mistakes by the stupid percussionists ~.~ eep saw her there and she kinda caught me staring... :P
glared at me sumore x.x heehee almost swing her oboe ang bang into her junior haha can see she juz realize in time ^^ oh well her section was playing perfectly haha nice one.. u go gal~


-transmission terminated
-terminal closing...


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