Friday, June 25, 2004


RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 25-6-2004 2347hrs

okay... today... damed bored at home.. ok not bored.. relatives on my dad's side came over to erm commemarate "ah gong's death anniversary" ... stupid kinds came and abused my xbox controllers ... evil gits who think they r so pro at halo when they dun even know wats "Grunt" .... look at them shouting " SHOOT THAT ORANGE THING! THAT BLUE THING! YES ! THROW A BOMB ! YAY!" for ur info the grenade kill the player not the enemies =.=
onli one good thing came out of this whole fiasco: good food. duck, chicken, vege ( ok so not really good but heck) and even shark fin... siao liao... nv eat so good in dunno how long....
but still i rather they din come... gave me a damn blardy headache dat i still cant get rid of...
ok... hmmm thats about all that happened today lol... quite alot but i onli have the mood to write out that much. on to my feelings today...
everything is in turmoil... confused... wtf is all this? i guess hormones... *sigh* if i knew this is life i would have chosen to become an AI... suddenly i 'up-lvled' from secretly likeing dis girl for 4 yrs.... to liking 3-4 gals at the same time! me... but i kinda sorted out my feelings abit... found out i like 1 or 2 really...the others are more like.. going down or stationary... a last one... i dunno gout that one.. anomaly to me i guess...
alright i spilled my balls out for all to see lol mama going to kp me... so late (for her)... so ... signing out.

Still Rampant,



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