Sunday, June 27, 2004!

RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 26-6-2004 0020hrs

today was a very.. ummm eventful day.. or at least the later part of the day lol...
first part (early morning) was nth... budden yh made it better by deciding to come over my house... (to escape from home apparently) we played lots of sc2... today was better... i am getting more and more proficient at hurting his most powerful char...:)
den leta at about 4... went to meet jean and brought to my house (for the record... this is the first time i brought a girl not related in blood to my house lol) we played more sc2... she seems to like xianghua alot ^.-

den we went to the nass concert thing .. was very nice... somehow swee hoon kept apperaing on the screen.. vids... pics.. everything.. her smile was so forced both me and yh saw it...the end was... ermmmm how to say? wierd... the encore wasnt very formal but hell watever ... the percussion did VERY well....
anyway good job all...
after dat.. well wat can i say? we waited bout more then halve an hour juz for pris and sh to come out... and found out they had to go home... >.< a lil dissapointed... ok alot...
den alot of stupid things happened... here: first we met hl and the others who left us a long time ago... second out train for some stupid reason skipped bedok... thats our destination... had to take a bus bak *shrug* i dunno y so dun bother asking... third... after eating it was SO late that yh and me had no bus to go home no mrt either so had to go home by taxi.... lastly ... my mum called to ask me when i'll arrive home.. when i am already in my room... ok thats all enuf for today.. i'll add an entry tml i guess... ciaoz.



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