Wednesday, June 30, 2004

a lesson~

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date/time (current) 30-6-2004 2034hrs

ah.. today was... how to say... 'fine'. it was normal in every way.. except that clara sim din kp so much dis time... haiz... so depressed after finding out we do have epp every single day... (well on alt weeks but hey... its wed and sat!) saturday also have ... not fun... tink i going to change my old habits ler... going to actually do my hw! *tink* somehow i actually manages to do EL compo... compre... and SS's 3 essays... ok i did onli 2...i'm gonna do the last rite after i post this ;P
hmm wat else? tml hav to go see mr lee bout the damn DnT... i feel like dropping it i really do... but... if i do srop it i'll have to turn to humanities to pull :/ hopeless? i dunno which is worse now: humanities, poa or dnt haiz... how? try and buck up on humans' and poa lor... i dun think i'll score on Dnt already... so suky project... and about the slowest in class (used to be fastest.... but hell.......)
yesterday was fun... the blackout... had an excuse to shine the almighty torchlight all over the place... played some ummm waddaya call that? light dueling with ppl from diff blocks haha *laf* maybe the blackout is a sign i shouldnt do my hw :P cos i was jus startig to write "In terms of" when everything went dark. haha

haiz.... finally... finally sorted out everything... i only like one female now... the others... either no hope or not gonna bother... this one now... strange feeling eh? heart beat faster and all that... guess it comes in a package ;P



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