Sunday, June 27, 2004

troubled thoughts...

RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.939444
(process owner MC - SPARTAN - Class III)
date/time (current) 28-6-2004 1959hrs

ok.. the previous post must have been a little disturbing... firt to note is i think i haven gone mad... (note the i think) 2nd is... that post is not garbage... wat i am thinking currently can be deciphered from that post ... kinda hard but its there for all to see ( or not see) and Durandal is by all means not a hacker its juz me... part of the 'expressing in another way' stuff.... he might appear now and den to say more stuff... oh yar.. other then Durandal , theres 2 more other AI's on board the U.N.S.C Marathon( the blog terminal is located there).. Leela and Tycho... they might drop in too in the future...[ps: Durandal is a little mad...or Rampant in tech terms]

on to today's happenings... woke up damn late as u already know from a few posts down, 1150lehz... muz be siao... chatted with yh on sms.... decided to go out shopping for stuff haha
went to tampines CS see see... nth there din get anything... den went to bedok see see... bought myself a pouch... and yh got himself new sch shoes... he agreed that theres no point buying another bag.. cos u know... another half a year and theres no need to have a bag ^^
anyway... after that we went to mac to get my lunch.. he devoured the fries :P and decided theres nth left to do ... actually wanted to catch a mov at princess but heck no good timings.. so we went home....
thats about all ... wun be toking about feelings this post cos i already did last post... so... bye...

Always there,
Soul ( aka tefe)



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