Sunday, September 26, 2004


The power of five is broken ,
As the bond between 2 tears like linen .
The minor shall leave to form new ties ,
As a new found friend arrives to revive what dies .
All that is gold that does not glitter ,
Not all who wander are lost .
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring.

A poem i sorta composed... the first few lines i made myself.. the last few i took from LOTR's Riddle of Strider.
i want to use this to tell someone that, even tho smth ended, another shall reveal itself.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

feel like blowing something up

haiz... feel very sad now... dunno how to say lehz. probably not a good place to place my thoughts... i dunno. there are some people i rather that they not read this. alhough putting a pw will make everybody cannot read.haiz... feel like crying... more like i want to do what piper always does:

(put your mouse over to start animation)

of course.. i dont want to blow anyone up (eww bloody) i'll probably blow my room up though. haiz...

yh: its not your fault dont worry bout it.

Monday, September 20, 2004


today.. well.. first day of school after the "2 weeks" break ...
kinda facinating, finally going back to classes after the long prelims.
everything's pretty ok today, since we practically had 5 free periods in Dnt... and the rest were fine except for the accursed chinese. thats it for school. after that went to TM to rot... for a long time. bought another celestial zone II book.. v nice. but i'm starting to get sick of the cliffhangers.
thats all for today.. short ya?

to yh: cheer up, dunt be easily downed. keep your dignity up. remember you always got your friends. and even if they all leave you, i'll still be there, up to you whether you want to accept me only.

Quote of the Day:
"Life is either a comedy or a tragedy. Usually, its your choice. You can laugh or you can whine" - Marco, Animorph

-TF, Blaz

Saturday, September 18, 2004


ah.. today kind of sian lor...
went to Funan to rot.. and to play Ninja Gaiden... budden this guy come and play.. seems determined to complete his game. well, he is. erg. ignored anyone else... in fact i found out he, was a damn fukin noob..(omg everyone is...) lol. he didnt even know how to do the simplest of Ryu's killing combos, and always relying on tricks and glitches to carry on. heck he even needed me to point out some obvious answers to puzzles( i never played his level before.) in the end after like 3 hours or so... he reach the final bosses. given, Ninja Gaiden is NOT an easy game, but erg.. the boss SLAUGHTERed him.. >.< i tried.. i lasted alot longer even though i never played that long (the only thing i played was the demo level in Challenger...)lol. after about watching him try 5-6 times i walked off, sianified.
at first wanted to go beach and rot somemore, but after eating that shrooms meal... i decided to go home... legs tired from standing there and watch.
thats all for today's event post.. ciaoz

-TF, Blazorax

Friday, September 17, 2004


who am i? lol
what a stupid question eh?
but seriously, i dunno who i am... Teng Fei.. but.. who is that?
who or what am i tp the rest of the people i know?

wild thoughts

these few days... dunno why.. i have started thinking alot.. on er... a few things.
i dont like these thoughts, cos they often show me alot of things that i don't like, and may not be true. i wont write any of these down, because maybe it'll hurt some people.
theres.. too much on my mind. its driving me stark raving mad. i cant sleep at night, i cant concentrate on what i'm doing in the day, especially when i'm alone.i try and cure it by going out. but chances of that are getting more and more rare. alot of people are busy, or they just plain dont wanna go out with me. lol. what am i to do? i dunno...
things are different now... i cant go talking to some people, they have other problems to deal with, why heap more on them? nah. but i cannot solve these on my own.
haiz... what to do? bear with it lor..
gawd i'm so bloody tired... when i finally fall asleep my dreams are so ... disturbing. back to the old days eh? wish that voice will shutup and leave me alone in my dream.


Wednesday, September 15, 2004

a pigeon with nowhere to go

i've been set free... through no choice of my own... but i have to fly, the alternative is to crash on the ground. i found new lands, new places in which i can roam. But, in essence... i am a pigeon, one who knows the way home. one who thinks that if i return i'll be in safe hands again.

but who knows.. when i returned, there was noone. i heard that the owner left, believing his bird will never come back. here i am, but theres nobody waiting for my return.

what should i do? should i leave? should i try and carve a niche of my own? i've never succeeded.
my heart cracks whenever it happens... it will snap soon... later, i hope. i just wish he'll realise it before the breakdown.......

-tf.... Blazorax

Sunday, September 12, 2004

double or nothing

>>date log: 11 Sept 2004
today was ok.. went with yh to east coast park to study. went to this indian fast food restaurant... Rasamala's? forgot wad name ler ;P anyway the dosai there was good... just take away the "Malasa" in front can ler . the potato thing is disgusting... more i look at it more it looked like pieces of Flood.
after eating we went to the shore.. hmm .. nice wind.. then sat down at the .. round cement thingy(shrug) and tried to study while yh talked on the phone.... the air is so relaxing! therefore we ditched studying and went to the ... the.. er... rocky T thing -.-'' . sat there admire the surrounding... again, nice wind. Yh kept saying its gonna rain its gonna rain .. haha pessimist (nyah). in the end it didnt rain of course moooah-ha-ha-ha-ha. so.. we just sat.. awhile later got up to walk around the beach... and then sad at another of those rocky T thing... thats it. took a few photographs of the sky and sunlight. thats all.. after that go home lor.. yh so tired ler... had abit (well .. alot) of ice-cream to charge him up first ;). thats all.
went home and tried to rebuild my page using my own css code.. didnt work.. i'll see why later*shrug*.

-TF, Blazorax

Friday, September 10, 2004

the Discovery

CSS styling for websites rox baby. i managed to edit the original code till it looks like this. the point of the overhaul is so as to create a website thats 800x600 compatible. and i've done it! woohoo! for once i did something right =) btw gimme comments in the tagboard pls? thx!

today was horrible. nothing to do at home.. so? i had to go wander around the East of Singapore. visited anywhere that has Challenger, like Tampines and Funan. ''/ not a good trip. so agonizing to look at noobz kao peh each other. see:
Funan has this huge screen where we were holding this loser out matches for Soul Calibur 2.this idiot boy came up and was chatting crap to his friend about how there are so many cheats in SC2. that earned him my glare and i pulled Ivy's Summon Suffering on him (the most powerful grapple in the game.) " SEE? i told you there were cheats! haha hes a cheater" he said to his friend... and a moment later, he accidently killed himself with Yoshimitsu's kamikaze attack... everyone had a good laugh . he walked off in a hurry.
next case: tampines had Ninja Gaiden on display, which attracted quite a crowd everyday, since NG was a very very good game. unfortunately we have this other idiot boy and his 'gang' playing. they were talking really loud on how Ryu (main char) can block everything... 'even nuclear missiles' lol talk about noobness.. and they were talking about this while fighting with the boss...right after that the boss killed him with a unblockable move -.-

ah well thats all for today.. QotD will come from another kid screaming his lungs away while playing ninja gaiden...

Quote of the Day:
kid: "OH NO!!! i'm gonna dieee! HELP.. oi can help me?"
pro dude(i've seen him play): "you're full health, bodoh"

-TF, Blazorax

Thursday, September 09, 2004

new template incoming

i'm building a new template now, since i've started to learn the CSS style codes. so, be prepared to see a brand new in the near future. this is so that i understand my own webpage better, and know what exactly is happening in here.

today wasnt exciting. in fact, NOTHING happened at all! hell i'm bored. but i got to read alot and think alot. which turns out is not that good.ah well since NOTHING happened i'm not gonna say anymore, nothing to say.

Quote of the Day:
"Noone can be told what Halo is, you have to see it for yourself" -Louis Wu, owner, de facto leader of the Halo fan community.

-TF, Blazorax

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


hey all... today's post might be quite long so ... :P
anyway.. yesterday night i had a really really wierd dream. you can call it nightmare if you want i don't really know which. on one hand its so cool the other.. scary. here goes:
before i slept i discussed with Ivan about today's programme, since i'm incredibly bored and my bro's sick at home. so we planned to go to the tampines sports hall for 2 hours of badminton. no doubt this was on my mind when i went to sleep. so when the dream started it was playing badminton! (lame, i know...)was playing quite ok until... me waiting for Halo 2 just took over. I guess halo 2 was on top of my mind now, since everyday i go to #hbo to the dream took over? Dream-Ivan wacked a the ball at me, hard and fast. just as my reflexes pulled my hand up the thing morphed into a spinning bullet, and my racket changed to a MA5B rifle from Halo. and when i looked at myself i realized i was suited in a dark green MJOLNIR suit -_-. oh yea and the bullet? it hit me. quite hard. i felt the impact. the shields sizzled. quite exciting really. but when i realized i was in a battlefield that quickly left my mind. you see, instead of fighting stupid funny looking aliens in my dream i was on Earth, fighting alot ... ALOT of soldiers. i could hear every single bullet fire and whiz by. god. all i could do is to fight back, throw a grenade and run my ass off. fortunately i inherited MC's speed and strength, so when i punched this poor guy his face callapse (ew...) after reaching this building i climbed my way to the top with a fire escape ladder, and threw all my grenades down (i didnt have NCC training or whatever, so only 2/5 grenades went where it should) then here comes the scary part. now that i'm on top of the building i'm trapped until someone came up. my rifle had 25 bullets and i'm left with one magazine.
wasnt long before soldiers came piling out of of the roof access. i killed a few (blood, more blood.. makes me wanna vomit.) then they started to overwhelm me. was like this semicircle, with me in the center dodging and trying to keep living. my bullets quickly ran out tho, so you know the end. i killed about 30 people? never kept count. then my shields popped.i went hand-to-hand. killed 5 more. and then i reached this guy, raised my hand and... kena stabbed in the stomach. do you know how painful being stabbed is? mjolnir didnt have a armor plate there, wierd. and so.. ow. i had to step back abit to check the damage done. ow. then his turn came. straight punch into my helmet. wham. no pain, by it cracked my visor and i cant see. that ass must have been wearing bronze knuckles. whatever it is i saw him draw a pistol and.. yea shot me.bang bang bang 3 shots. the pain was so bad i fainted. or died. i dunno which. but before my eyes closed it was hell. never had so much pain before ( not even when yh threw a pen direct hit at my balls.) so there. after awhile i woke up, wondering if i'm still alive.

there, thats my dream. wierd huh. everything was so real. i could feel every part of me. i even made my own decisions. it was cool, but scary and too real. errg hope it wont happen again

-TF, Blaz
btw.. ITS TRUE

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

the Revelation

dont tell me if i spelled the title wrongly i dont care lol.
some off you may have noticed the gigantic logo i put on my sites lower right corner. well... i made it small to accomodate peeps with lower resolution settings. best of all.. its ANIMATED! god... this animation was done on something ALOT better then the one i used to make the blocky old title animation. cool eh? now this place really looks like a computer terminal.

today went out with hl, lt, y2 and bro to the Army Open House... moderately interesting.. i prefer Halo's weapons though. come to thing about it they did have one vehicle that looked extremely close to the civilian version of the Warthog. even that wheel on the back!didnt get to see the SAR 21... wanted to see one sooo much :( also.. the damn weather decided to start raining heavily. only let up to let us go home. git.

haiz.. feeling rather down now.. dunno why.. or maybe its i dont wanna write here? lol. great, now its my turn to hide things? haha no lar... juz.. rather not say it. should see some changes to this blog in terms of added graphics bah. escpecially the boring black background and the logo. an interesting fact is i created that curvy effect purely be accident lol. ah well... thats all for today.

Quote of the Day:
"You know that everyone you know some day will leave...but instead of saying all of your goodbyes, why not let them know you realize that life goes fast, its hard to make the good things last, treasure every moment, every day, every time you get together." - Anonymous (heard it somewhere...)

-TF, Blazorax

Sunday, September 05, 2004


hey all... lol post number 61... haha time flies doesnt it. well i just wish it can fly faster. reset the countdown to Halo 2 lauch date on Nov 9 now that the stupid dnt projects done and over with. lol

haiz... juz had another of my tifs with my dad... not v nice of him to say some of the things he said. bastard. whatever! i'm not gonna be bothered by that kind of things. my life has changed now. family is on the bottom end of my priorities.

i dont know how to put this. anyway.. looking for tml's outing to Army Open House with me frends. :) hope its fun and all. part of it just to get away from the stupid house. sian. today was freaking boring. nothing to do at home but stare at the stupid screen all day and rot here. sian. even 343 guilty sparl lvl of Halo failed to make me excited...
heard that Bungie will complete final development of Halo 2 this month... from then on it;ll be manufacturing the discs and shipping stuff. had mind preordered from MegaMultimedia to deliver it here to my house once one is available. ;) ah well.....
thats all for today me thinks... bye


Saturday, September 04, 2004

it is done

3/9... haha long time no properly blog ler yes? mmhmm thats cos of the fucked up Dnt folio lah. make me work so hard and so long. impossible right? i mean, since when i so hardworking for a subj one. this is different, its DnT... something i actually have hope to score in. budden look at my lame project! ew.

kk the countdown already over ler. and i've finished my folio. which is good. in fact HHAHAHAHAHAHAH VERY GOOD! WEEEE.. ok insanity overide done. now its the long long one week holiday.. after that is when most ppl jam for O lvls. haha but i cant care ler. i dun want to care.. for now at least. this wk.. i think i said its gonna be the best week? turns out.. this week is the week i review all the relationships in my past, present and future. sad things happen. its natural. dont think too much about it and dont plan for it. thats all i have to say.

gl to all sec 4 graduating peeps

TF, Blazorax

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

meh *empty*

lol this post is to just get rid off the last post off my site. its killing my bandwith. i'll post the real post later now doing dnt ^^