Wednesday, September 08, 2004


hey all... today's post might be quite long so ... :P
anyway.. yesterday night i had a really really wierd dream. you can call it nightmare if you want i don't really know which. on one hand its so cool the other.. scary. here goes:
before i slept i discussed with Ivan about today's programme, since i'm incredibly bored and my bro's sick at home. so we planned to go to the tampines sports hall for 2 hours of badminton. no doubt this was on my mind when i went to sleep. so when the dream started it was playing badminton! (lame, i know...)was playing quite ok until... me waiting for Halo 2 just took over. I guess halo 2 was on top of my mind now, since everyday i go to #hbo to the dream took over? Dream-Ivan wacked a the ball at me, hard and fast. just as my reflexes pulled my hand up the thing morphed into a spinning bullet, and my racket changed to a MA5B rifle from Halo. and when i looked at myself i realized i was suited in a dark green MJOLNIR suit -_-. oh yea and the bullet? it hit me. quite hard. i felt the impact. the shields sizzled. quite exciting really. but when i realized i was in a battlefield that quickly left my mind. you see, instead of fighting stupid funny looking aliens in my dream i was on Earth, fighting alot ... ALOT of soldiers. i could hear every single bullet fire and whiz by. god. all i could do is to fight back, throw a grenade and run my ass off. fortunately i inherited MC's speed and strength, so when i punched this poor guy his face callapse (ew...) after reaching this building i climbed my way to the top with a fire escape ladder, and threw all my grenades down (i didnt have NCC training or whatever, so only 2/5 grenades went where it should) then here comes the scary part. now that i'm on top of the building i'm trapped until someone came up. my rifle had 25 bullets and i'm left with one magazine.
wasnt long before soldiers came piling out of of the roof access. i killed a few (blood, more blood.. makes me wanna vomit.) then they started to overwhelm me. was like this semicircle, with me in the center dodging and trying to keep living. my bullets quickly ran out tho, so you know the end. i killed about 30 people? never kept count. then my shields popped.i went hand-to-hand. killed 5 more. and then i reached this guy, raised my hand and... kena stabbed in the stomach. do you know how painful being stabbed is? mjolnir didnt have a armor plate there, wierd. and so.. ow. i had to step back abit to check the damage done. ow. then his turn came. straight punch into my helmet. wham. no pain, by it cracked my visor and i cant see. that ass must have been wearing bronze knuckles. whatever it is i saw him draw a pistol and.. yea shot me.bang bang bang 3 shots. the pain was so bad i fainted. or died. i dunno which. but before my eyes closed it was hell. never had so much pain before ( not even when yh threw a pen direct hit at my balls.) so there. after awhile i woke up, wondering if i'm still alive.

there, thats my dream. wierd huh. everything was so real. i could feel every part of me. i even made my own decisions. it was cool, but scary and too real. errg hope it wont happen again

-TF, Blaz
btw.. ITS TRUE


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