Saturday, September 04, 2004

it is done

3/9... haha long time no properly blog ler yes? mmhmm thats cos of the fucked up Dnt folio lah. make me work so hard and so long. impossible right? i mean, since when i so hardworking for a subj one. this is different, its DnT... something i actually have hope to score in. budden look at my lame project! ew.

kk the countdown already over ler. and i've finished my folio. which is good. in fact HHAHAHAHAHAHAH VERY GOOD! WEEEE.. ok insanity overide done. now its the long long one week holiday.. after that is when most ppl jam for O lvls. haha but i cant care ler. i dun want to care.. for now at least. this wk.. i think i said its gonna be the best week? turns out.. this week is the week i review all the relationships in my past, present and future. sad things happen. its natural. dont think too much about it and dont plan for it. thats all i have to say.

gl to all sec 4 graduating peeps

TF, Blazorax


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