Saturday, August 21, 2004


hmm is this the first post to have 'haiz...' as the title? dunno.. this is the 777th time i 'haiz...' liao...
first problem, major one: D&T!!! ahhh shit... how long more to the dead line? dunno.. dead line? 4th sept! (or smth like dat)
i'm sooooooooooooo dead. help? not that anyone CAN help this is my work.
so far only 20% done? heck i havent even drawn a single thing right now. ( what am i doing here? i should be drawing)
second problem: CHINESE. i wanna study for it, and then Ace the bloody subj, but... its low priority and its well... unimportant... to me at least. theres simply no time.
third problem: i'm sick. and i suspect its something serious, cos i dun fall sick juz like that(noone really knows lol, cept a few... you know who you are.. watch out for those flaming ninjas i sent after you ;) )

after this folio thing i'm gonna start on a project heehee... thx jean for the inspiration. its gonna be a 'short' project... but it'll take a relatively long time

alright.. going back to my DnT.. i took time off to do this thing =} and now i'm going back ciaoz


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