Sunday, August 08, 2004

its aliiiveeee

yo all today i got quite a few news.
1. i killed the 4e7 forum . not willingly though... cos like the last post was a month ago so....
2. i made a brand new slick lookin forum complete with a new logo .

alright. very forumy eh? if u try and visit the 4e7 forum, within 24 hrs from now it would say that the forum doesnt exist anymore. anywayz i've made a new forum, alot easier to manage than that crappy AIMOO (thx for hosting the last one) ok heres a few new things. i'm gonna start restricting picture size. and the forum logo.... v nice in my eyes haha. u can post however long u like yea. and also... no restrictions watsoever on who comes and goes, as long as you dun make a big hoo hah. heres the forum url and link:
any comment pls post! its still v young so its not fully grown. since i created te 4e7 forums i've ran around to other forums to take a look and i've learnt quite a few things on managing forums. sho heres to the new forum

ok ppl who visit my blog PLEEZE pleese link the forum to ur blog plsplsplspls this is to make the forum as widespread as possible. i'm aiming for more then 50 users this time. outsiders are ALLOWED. this includes teachers. which means anyone can post. as long as someONE knows who u are. thx!


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