Monday, August 30, 2004

its coming yes...

finally.. a good day .. after a long week of emotional disaster finally this week shall prove to be the best :)
anyway heres the deal... a week ago i did a mere section of the Folio... thats 4 categories.
now? i only have 13/24 categories to go. thats little less then half done. its good progress thats what i call it.
from 5% done to 49% done in a week ya know yay!
and.. sorted out my feelings.. my goals.. i think i know what to do.. but if...nvm <:(

anyway.. i will have tml's half day, and wednesday full day (CHARMED) to finish up my DnT.. and Thursday to Bind it and clean everything up before Friday's Due date. (note: some of you may have noticed the countdown went up by a few hours.. actually its just me setting the time to 3pm on Friday :)

hope this week will turn out better and that most of my problems will be solved
rock on Bungie your doing great with Halo2 (they're close to done. they put a full stop to production in early october to start manufacturing the CDs...)

Quote of the Day:
"You wanna know my philosphy? Its "Sieze the Moment". You know.. you may be living happily today.. but tomorrow you might be dead! So? why waste it? Seize the moment, do what you can with the time you have."
Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer-Season 1, Welcome to the Hellmouth.

,blazorax, Halo freak, DsVolunteer Forum Admin, and SCII 1337 ^^


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