Tuesday, September 07, 2004

the Revelation

dont tell me if i spelled the title wrongly i dont care lol.
some off you may have noticed the gigantic logo i put on my sites lower right corner. well... i made it small to accomodate peeps with lower resolution settings. best of all.. its ANIMATED! god... this animation was done on something ALOT better then the one i used to make the blocky old title animation. cool eh? now this place really looks like a computer terminal.

today went out with hl, lt, y2 and bro to the Army Open House... moderately interesting.. i prefer Halo's weapons though. come to thing about it they did have one vehicle that looked extremely close to the civilian version of the Warthog. even that wheel on the back!didnt get to see the SAR 21... wanted to see one sooo much :( also.. the damn weather decided to start raining heavily. only let up to let us go home. git.

haiz.. feeling rather down now.. dunno why.. or maybe its i dont wanna write here? lol. great, now its my turn to hide things? haha no lar... juz.. rather not say it. should see some changes to this blog in terms of added graphics bah. escpecially the boring black background and the logo. an interesting fact is i created that curvy effect purely be accident lol. ah well... thats all for today.

Quote of the Day:
"You know that everyone you know some day will leave...but instead of saying all of your goodbyes, why not let them know you realize that life goes fast, its hard to make the good things last, treasure every moment, every day, every time you get together." - Anonymous (heard it somewhere...)

-TF, Blazorax


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