Wednesday, September 15, 2004

a pigeon with nowhere to go

i've been set free... through no choice of my own... but i have to fly, the alternative is to crash on the ground. i found new lands, new places in which i can roam. But, in essence... i am a pigeon, one who knows the way home. one who thinks that if i return i'll be in safe hands again.

but who knows.. when i returned, there was noone. i heard that the owner left, believing his bird will never come back. here i am, but theres nobody waiting for my return.

what should i do? should i leave? should i try and carve a niche of my own? i've never succeeded.
my heart cracks whenever it happens... it will snap soon... later, i hope. i just wish he'll realise it before the breakdown.......

-tf.... Blazorax


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