Friday, September 10, 2004

the Discovery

CSS styling for websites rox baby. i managed to edit the original code till it looks like this. the point of the overhaul is so as to create a website thats 800x600 compatible. and i've done it! woohoo! for once i did something right =) btw gimme comments in the tagboard pls? thx!

today was horrible. nothing to do at home.. so? i had to go wander around the East of Singapore. visited anywhere that has Challenger, like Tampines and Funan. ''/ not a good trip. so agonizing to look at noobz kao peh each other. see:
Funan has this huge screen where we were holding this loser out matches for Soul Calibur 2.this idiot boy came up and was chatting crap to his friend about how there are so many cheats in SC2. that earned him my glare and i pulled Ivy's Summon Suffering on him (the most powerful grapple in the game.) " SEE? i told you there were cheats! haha hes a cheater" he said to his friend... and a moment later, he accidently killed himself with Yoshimitsu's kamikaze attack... everyone had a good laugh . he walked off in a hurry.
next case: tampines had Ninja Gaiden on display, which attracted quite a crowd everyday, since NG was a very very good game. unfortunately we have this other idiot boy and his 'gang' playing. they were talking really loud on how Ryu (main char) can block everything... 'even nuclear missiles' lol talk about noobness.. and they were talking about this while fighting with the boss...right after that the boss killed him with a unblockable move -.-

ah well thats all for today.. QotD will come from another kid screaming his lungs away while playing ninja gaiden...

Quote of the Day:
kid: "OH NO!!! i'm gonna dieee! HELP.. oi can help me?"
pro dude(i've seen him play): "you're full health, bodoh"

-TF, Blazorax


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