Tuesday, August 31, 2004

heres something you may like

i have a few things to tell ya.. but priorities...

to da ger :
after alot of fustration i finally got your dnt artefact pictures on the web.. tell me if you need a printed version i'll print it out ... you can get digital versions here, here, here, here, here, here,and here. note: i recommend you right-click and 'download as' instead of clicking. the links are references to pictures so there shouldnt be a prob if you insist on clicking. WARNING : those pictures are LARGE.

alright.. today was... a little interesting at best. teacher's day celebration. a new twist this year? instead of in the hall everyone went to quad instead. had a few boring ... really boring ... perfomances.. also a last one that ended as a disaster for SC... most of the upper secs just refused to stand up and dance. thats cos we werent lame enough to do it. bozos.

alrighty thats all for today.. oh yea before i forget:

Quote of the Day (from: Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
After a great battle with the mayor/demon in their graduation ceremony, sitting on a bench staring at the ruined high school
Oz: "Guys take moment to think about this.... we survived"
Buffy: "yea it was a helluva fight."
Oz: "No... high school"


Monday, August 30, 2004

its coming yes...

finally.. a good day .. after a long week of emotional disaster finally this week shall prove to be the best :)
anyway heres the deal... a week ago i did a mere section of the Folio... thats 4 categories.
now? i only have 13/24 categories to go. thats little less then half done. its good progress thats what i call it.
from 5% done to 49% done in a week ya know yay!
and.. sorted out my feelings.. my goals.. i think i know what to do.. but if...nvm <:(

anyway.. i will have tml's half day, and wednesday full day (CHARMED) to finish up my DnT.. and Thursday to Bind it and clean everything up before Friday's Due date. (note: some of you may have noticed the countdown went up by a few hours.. actually its just me setting the time to 3pm on Friday :)

hope this week will turn out better and that most of my problems will be solved
rock on Bungie your doing great with Halo2 (they're close to done. they put a full stop to production in early october to start manufacturing the CDs...)

Quote of the Day:
"You wanna know my philosphy? Its "Sieze the Moment". You know.. you may be living happily today.. but tomorrow you might be dead! So? why waste it? Seize the moment, do what you can with the time you have."
Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer-Season 1, Welcome to the Hellmouth.

,blazorax, Halo freak, DsVolunteer Forum Admin, and SCII 1337 ^^

Sunday, August 29, 2004

the day is near

lol? 4 days and 10 hours. cute.
another 5 days and i have to hand in my work, with no regards to whether or not the thing is complete. i'm thinking not complete. should i give up on it? not yet. i wont give up. lately been giving up on alot of things, including trying to balance my relationships. it isnt working

after typing this i shall then proceed to di the damn folio. it isnt shaping up. maybe after a few days everything will come together like i orchestrated is (my artefact did axactly dat... do do do and then suddenly wow its done)

feeling terribly sad since yesterday... dunno what to do with myself =/ haiz...
just found out my sickness not gone yet.. measured my temperature and found 37.7.. normal = 36.5 for me...
my throat/voice isnt getting better... in fact i think its worse. ah well maybe this thing'll kill me somehow... how nice that'll be. a guy can wish right? i dun feel like dying yet but that would still be nice. ( i dun want to die before playing halo 2 complete... after that i can go peacefully lol)




i tried, i failed... again
worse: i've gone and make someone's life miserable
i shall not try again

-from he whose name does not matter

Thursday, August 26, 2004

so.. how is it?

alright.. a few things happened today. actually, quite alot of things. my Halo 2 want level is spiked even more.. why? ilovebees.com. 's blog. i thought i'll never get interested.. BUT it seems that it is directly linked to Halo 2, and that rampancy MIGHT somehow come into play.

"Melissa, a.k.a. "The Operator," used to run communications on a ship. The ship's purpose: to spy on an enemy known as "the Covenant." oh god i'm excited :) . "

anyway, the second thing that happened was that my interest in creating a web background suddenly and inexplicably went up.. and this is what i produced: http://huididi.blogspot.com/ so sorry to yaohui and ying ying whom i stole the name and format of the website. i cant come up any other names! and ying's blog is where i got my inspiration from =] note: the only thing i changed is the background, which involved alot of tedious alignment procedures (even after so much the alignment still had problems.. see that crappy little line in the middle there? grrr)and cutting and pasting. thx to bungie.net and Zoe for the pic of Master Chief.

the final thing that happen was very good indeed. i finished three things: the Final Product Design outline, the Final Product Design, and the Crude Design. the crude design is the drawing which i will use to develop in da Development... final note: since i suddenly haf an interest in Website creation and HTML (god is it so much easier compared to C++) and CSS... i've set up a poll in aikpin's forum, asking whether i should make a webbie for them. :)

arrrgghhh this thing is turning into a compo.. i'm outta here

-Tefe -Blaz
PS: hmm bro if you haven read that email of mine pls do.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


ok.. mood's better today.. but not that great seeing as .. nvm
anyway.. added that little countdown timer to remind myself how long till DnT...
hey i actually figured out how to do a few of the things.. still slot stumping me... i need to do several items now everyday if i'm gonna make it, which i'm probably not.
ilovebees.com has apparently released its info lol. alot of the telephones at the location it stated has started to ring without anyone... cute. bungie is going to quite a length to play its Halo2 out... anyway, as soon as the day of infamy passes, i will clock it to a countdown of Halo 2 ;)
i'll be waiting , Bungie! ( even if i'm the only real fan of Halo 2 in Singapore! muahahaha )


ps: Charmed today! excited!! ms kung-fu Piper! ;P

Sunday, August 22, 2004


mood: melancholy

well... heh,... second post in a day... just realised i havent do a 2 post day for a long time...
lol... so... come to announce a milestone ... last post i talked about my morale , blah blah blah lvls?
well here an update:

morale - rock bottom
happiness - fucked up
will - 9%
sanity - normal (giving up is sooo destressing)

well, this is all i can say.. i have NO more ability to do anything that has gotta do with studies. heh..
how am i supposed to continue? how???????????????????????????????????????????????????
tml is EL prelims.. wonder what they'll come up with for paper 1.. probably sumthing dat'll slice my brain in half or sumthing. who cares.
anyway.. to someone that use to show you care: sorry i wasted your time. sorry i wasted your lectures. sorry for being such a lousy friend. sorry for everything.
to the rest of the world: hey.. sorry i exist... but then, why dont you do something so that i don't?
btw if u ever suspect? today's posts were never meant as jokes.
btw to those ppl that said my site looks nice? it isnt. i know your faking it.
to those ppl that said i was smart. sorry heh i'm not.
to those ppl that had hope in me. sorry to put you off, you can invest in another company now.

-Blaz *hopeless*


oh great.. GREAT... this happens...what? this week's my retribution week? DAMN!
right when my physical and mental stability is at its lowest point. well it figures.
not gonna post my problem here.. cos well.. nobody will care anyway .. so why post it?
haha ironic isnt it? i create a blog, and dunt post anything of use here. oh well.

this is what I can tell you:

morale - 15%
happiness - 10%
will - 25%
sanity - almost gone
suicide lvl - 89% (well at least something close to it, not enuf balls to really die)

fuck D&T fuck Chinese


Saturday, August 21, 2004


hmm is this the first post to have 'haiz...' as the title? dunno.. this is the 777th time i 'haiz...' liao...
first problem, major one: D&T!!! ahhh shit... how long more to the dead line? dunno.. dead line? 4th sept! (or smth like dat)
i'm sooooooooooooo dead. help? not that anyone CAN help this is my work.
so far only 20% done? heck i havent even drawn a single thing right now. ( what am i doing here? i should be drawing)
second problem: CHINESE. i wanna study for it, and then Ace the bloody subj, but... its low priority and its well... unimportant... to me at least. theres simply no time.
third problem: i'm sick. and i suspect its something serious, cos i dun fall sick juz like that(noone really knows lol, cept a few... you know who you are.. watch out for those flaming ninjas i sent after you ;) )

after this folio thing i'm gonna start on a project heehee... thx jean for the inspiration. its gonna be a 'short' project... but it'll take a relatively long time

alright.. going back to my DnT.. i took time off to do this thing =} and now i'm going back ciaoz

Monday, August 16, 2004


hah... when the chinese results first came out.. i was like... er.. ok...then got happy for like awhile that i actually passed. then it finally filled this small skull of mine. C6. yea Pass.. so? whats so great about a C6? its close to fail. i probably just passed by one or two marks.i studied nothing but Chinese for a whole week just to pass by one or two marks? maybe i'll rather fail. my friends dont even know i studied. i actually told someone i didnt. ahhh this is infuriating. i've tried to pass this INFERNAL subject for at least twice a year for 4 FREAKING years. yet... everytime i fucking FAIL. yea this year was better. hmm i like this year .. wasnt so bad after all was it? i passed.............. but do i look like i care? C6... its so close to fail that theres no freaking difference.
why am i even bothering to talk about chinese?

i dunt used to care. but then, things, events, people in my life started making me care. And when i care? what happens then? i fucked up thats what i did. now what? i have to retake this shit. i even have to go through prelims. yea so what if i payed. its just too bad i wont have the joy of seeing the Giro form burn. i'll hand in a clean page thats what i'll do. not a single molecule of ink. for the prelims maybe my name only . maybe i'll change my mind and not write a name. anyway, i'll flunk chinese like nobody ever did before (( like i care now, which i dunt ))

Fuck chinese, or mandarin, or mother tougue, or whatever you call that infernal subject.. i'm outta here

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

coded post

RECEIVED (trans)
via x-process 02775.2.32.7777777
(process owner Durandal - AI - Class ?)

this post is now cancelled.. due to some unforeseen circumstances...
nya nyah...

-i am crazy

Sunday, August 08, 2004

its aliiiveeee

yo all today i got quite a few news.
1. i killed the 4e7 forum . not willingly though... cos like the last post was a month ago so....
2. i made a brand new slick lookin forum complete with a new logo .

alright. very forumy eh? if u try and visit the 4e7 forum, within 24 hrs from now it would say that the forum doesnt exist anymore. anywayz i've made a new forum, alot easier to manage than that crappy AIMOO (thx for hosting the last one) ok heres a few new things. i'm gonna start restricting picture size. and the forum logo.... v nice in my eyes haha. u can post however long u like yea. and also... no restrictions watsoever on who comes and goes, as long as you dun make a big hoo hah. heres the forum url and link: mchief.proboards29.com
any comment pls post! its still v young so its not fully grown. since i created te 4e7 forums i've ran around to other forums to take a look and i've learnt quite a few things on managing forums. sho heres to the new forum

ok ppl who visit my blog PLEEZE pleese link the forum to ur blog plsplsplspls this is to make the forum as widespread as possible. i'm aiming for more then 50 users this time. outsiders are ALLOWED. this includes teachers. which means anyone can post. as long as someONE knows who u are. thx!

Friday, August 06, 2004

okok i'm alright...

as can see from title i'm ALRIGHT u guys can stop worrying now... i wont be posting any new comics.. kind off dry up in my brain.. gimme a break. i'll be back with more digital goodness in 3-4 days =]

Monday, August 02, 2004


hmm today... went out with the usual ... was like.. trying to hide all this feelings.. actually succeeded... for a while... heck... now everytime we are together i see the lines so clearly... after like half the day i cant take it.. the shield juz kinda evaporated.. no more strength to put that stupid mask on liaoz... xpect for the next few days i be like that
next few lines i write in 'invisible ink' *shrug* whether u figure out how to read it its ur business
everytime i look at him now i feel this thin wavering connection.. somehow.. for some reasons.. i feel the gap b/w us widening.. the ropes to the bridge.. is straining on my side.. i dunno y.. i juz cant take it.. dun take me wrong.. i'm not jealous or anything.. but... haiz.. that link... didnt it use to be strong? didnt it use to be alway use to be so busy? now its so quiet....i know y.. i understand that it wont be the same ...but...

-a sad n lonely boy