Monday, May 30, 2005


woot. in one of the... er "html" lab sessions
erm.... for once, i'm y? cuz it teached "creative web design" as if i dun't know that already. does anyone think my page is not creative enuff, in terms of being only a personal blog? sure there are better templates out there but hey, i'm no freelance designer. my job as an IT student is to learn how to code, but i do know how to create well enough looking pics.

right. i'm in the ab. noone's actually doing anything that has anything to do with web design. checking mai... wait. should i even write these stuff? better not.

oh btw, check out cute, and pretty informative, tho i can say abit dated.

cya all, back to the lab i go.


Sunday, May 29, 2005


Alright. So things have been going pretty smoothely since the last post. Well heck things have been going smoothly since NYPorientation, bar one or two minor problems. Recieved our personal timetables, and subsequently bought our needed lecture/tutorial notes. Stuff looks all set. today and tomorrow shall be as Gandalf said, "The deep breath before the plunge". hopefully the first weeks of school will be smooth sailing.

Looked through 2 module's top topics... and i don't understand anything. lol. Math's first page was decieving. "The Number System" who hasn't seen that every year since Secondary 1? turns out its a trick to lure students into a false sense of security, since the next page is " The Binary System". the way they turn 1's and 0's into other numbers is simply magical. XD

I've entered myself into the tryouts for the NYP Team of World Cyber Games, in Halo 2 and CounterStrike: Source (CS is more of just having fun and making a fool of myself, as well as try out the game :) while Halo2 i'm really serious about entering the thing)

wish me luck!

TF, Blazorax
p/s: Blazorax will be my handle from now on on forums, my gamertag on Xbox LIVE and other internet stuff. GB ID will remain Blazorboy, cuz er.. well it sounds appropriate for a game like Gunbound ;) cya all
p/p/s: added a new link, Ivan's Blog

Thursday, May 26, 2005


sry for the lack of new art stuff... been unable to stir enthusiasm to do anything at all.
watched star wars ep3 today with family. pretty good, tho i'll rather have watched it frends (its seems i now have a lack of those... nvm)

R2 totally kicked everyone's ass in the movie. put a smile on my face, he did. Yoda was good too, compare him to his ep 1,4,5,6 appearence he's way better then he used to be. the fights were nice, storyline fairly good (considering we already knew how it'll turn out). thats all. nothing really *spectacular*... but.. what did i expect? not much.

er... thats all for this short post i guess... cya all

TF "Blazorax"
p/s: i've got alot to think about, excuse me for the short post.

Saturday, May 21, 2005


so. orientation's over. ummm yea over.
first day is a little sian, since half the day is talks and whatnot. the only really interesting part of that ultra-long intro is the WCG call for tryouts for the NYP team. i was half asleep by then, and didn't catch the email address. man what a waste. i need to go and stare at the noticeboards until they show it again. after that was breezed through, so i don't remember much of day 1

things pick up slightly, the first portion was a maths lecture and tutorial, part a-math crashcourse, part taste of lectures and tutorials. boring. PC survival is better since we get to sit infront of a pc. since MSNMSGR is blocked, i've been thinking of setting up an obscure account in an obscure forum, to act as IM for IT0510. need to discuss with the class first.

again with the lectures. got out admin cards. Mine and a few others got a slightly different one. duno y. been trying to look around at noticeboards but can't seem to catch the email add. i do know tryouts are on 19-20 june. i'll be there.

so. my super brief write up on the 3 day orientation. =P many thanx goes to our OGLs(orientaition group leaders) Azura, WeiPing, and Nathan (the president, our OGL! =PPP)
it'll take time for the enitre class of er... 17? to really bond, but i'm thinking we'll do, since most of us digs anime.

ok...i'm getting a little desperate with the WCG here.. so here goes: anyone who knows the email for World Cyber Games, Nyp Team, please tell me, thru whatever means. thanks!

Thursday, May 19, 2005


booyah... now in NYP orientation. some kind of pc survival course lol -.-
Friendster is BLOCKED! wahahahah blogger is still better then most ( i still hate the goddamn stupid bar on top.)

anywayz... again for everyone to know... my art stuff are in Deviant Art ... ummm heres the LINK. lol thats kinda all for now.. nothing much to say, since the OGL all crapping nia. and.. i have this new little email the school gave us. but... i rather anyone email me thru ain't got too much space at nyp email (20mb... pathetic).

oh... i'll draw up a quick 3 page overview of the orientation if i find the school has a scanner. =3
cya all

Mood: Normal

byyyy the way... i made up a little wallpaper, only availabe in 1024x768
click the small pic to link , or right-click save target as. k? =)

edit: i updated the links section to include websites i really like. and also changed the web address to i also updated the About Me, and Online Handle (formally Nicks), cuz the old ones were obsolete. and yes, to any IT0510 guys who bothered to visit this page, thanks. u guys totally rock. some of my stuff, like any digital art i made, can be found in the DeviantArt link to the right. i update that page whenever i find time to upload sumthing. the most recent one i usually post here. for those who can't get my name right, call me TF, all my sec sch friends call me that. =)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

RAWR! bitch.

grrrrr... why does everything happen the wrong way.

Look E3! wow! great it goes on the 18-20... exactly the date of my Nanyang Polytechnic orientation. ah! Star Wars ep III! on the freakin 19th!. *screams*

anyway... main argument for the post today is how unfair that shop my mum has is. Ever since that ridiculous idea to get a shop for herself popped into her head, life's just going from bad to worse. That shop is a money vacuum. From what i can see, a thousand or two goes into rent every month. add to that the buying of stock, and u get a money sucker. And its not just money it sucks I tell you... it sucks away everything i own too. Apparently since i started "working" there would be no need to give me anymore pocket money! wattehell? update m'am that puny amount of money ain't gonna keep up once i quit to go to school. this is the part where the hate for that god-damn Hobby Deli really births.

She's not willing to give me pocket money, she takes away the only printer/scanner thats working in the house, she won't get a laptop for me unless i "relinquish" this computer. This, and the fact that the brings home more then 3k a month, half of which is sucked into that hellhole of a shop?! not to mention she wants to quit being a manager and going full into that FARKING SHOP!!!! ARRRG i'm really pissed i'm off.

I cursed the day i was doomed to come to this family. Damn watever God(s) there is/are up there. damn you.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Look at that! omg... that has to be my best CG EVER! Naruto! weeeeeeee
Copyright Kishimoto for the original Naruto!
also many thanks goes to Dattebayo Fansub group for providing us with this excellent comic (and their respective art stuff)

haha... as usual i went a little nuts when making the Rasengan in the background (not that clear, but it Is a rasengan...)... goddamn i'm proud of this thing! XD

Life@132 comic will be on hiatus until i reach level 10 in CG =P ..

Sunday, May 08, 2005

does noone agree with me?

What can i say? i am... confused. very. about many things. Does not each religion teach the same thing? patience, love and virtue? does not our parents tell us we need to give way to others, and to take not pleasure in taking, but in giving instead?

Yet all around i see things that are otherwise, especially at home. "What have you done to support this family? What have you contributed?" i keep hearing this words over and over again. but is not my duty as eldest son to carry on my father's bloodline, and support my parents when they grow old? i am not even legally "of age" (i do not consider the ability of going into jail that is given to us boys at 16 as coming of age, instead i the age whereby all the chains of the law is opened of age [e.g. smoking driving and all other crap])

and furthermore, what'll be the answer if i turn the question back. sure they've supported me financially, but that ain't such a great deal looking at the jobs they have. but all the memories of my childhood are .... not so nice. esp from my mum's side. ya dunt want to know. *sigh*

"this land is where your tears freeze and your heart dies" does Koyuke's words also apply to my home?

Friday, May 06, 2005


Oooookay. now i have a permanent home for my comics. DeviantArt! it may seem crazy, by to hell with it. i'm thickskinned enough to show everyone my shit. XD i've added a "Comic Archive" row to the left sidebar, and linked to deviantart. i love that place. hopefully i can link straight out from that side, so i dont have to worry about bandwith for my comic anymore. I'm designing a new site for my blog, because the comic doesnt fit with the entire site...

the comic's a bang on Game Physics. Its game world rules, where heroes can kill millions and destroy a Star Cruiser, yet cannot open a wooden box by force. lol. hope its funny.

lately been playing way too much halo 2 for my own good, and also recieving an urge to buy Rome: Total War. its Lord of the Ring style of gameplay is attracting me like honey is to bee.
school starts May 30. should i be excited, or filled with dread? *shrug*

Sunday, May 01, 2005

bah! no comic!

AGGGHHHH i had enough. for some reason, this week's comic is incredibly difficult to ink and color using paintshop (yes i'm still using it. i dont know PS well enough yet)

so... after like a week of struggling to color this again and again, i have given up. blah.still, i've uploaded the lineart i scanned into the computer. (Yaohui nii-chan colored the second one, but Ripway doesnt seem to like his file much. *shrug*)

Comic 2 "Birthday" (Aborted)
Lineart for Part 1
Lineart for Part 2

the next comic will be up either on friday or monday next week.