Wednesday, April 27, 2005

rampant speech bubbles

GAH! my first comic, and so many things go wrong? blueh.
alright, i've updated the pic. (if anyone noticed, the last one had a comically rampant speech bubble) corrected all the mistakes too.
if theres one thing i hate about JPEG picture format, its the picture quality. the more i squeeze the size of the pic down the worse it gets =(

i did this in paint shop btw, i'm switching to photoshop for the next one.

Comic 2 "Birthday"
Script 100%
Sketch. 100%
Inking 0%
Colour, shading 0%

a birth

okay... so i've lagged behind in making new stuff, but now i've arrived and solved it again. From now on Rampancy Logs will have a comic on it, and at least in every 2 weeks there will be an update. that i can PROMISE .. and i WILL do it. wahaha. all comments should go to the comments link below. i've killed the tagboard for some reasons of my own ( i hate pop ups, and i feel people shouldnt get an extra one everytime they visit this site)
this passage will now carry the ''rant'' as all webcomic pages call it, the ravings of the artist. good for me. i wont post that often, but i'll be sure to post everytime i update the comic. an Archive of past webcomics will appear in the future.

so. enjoyed the current one? i hope so. spent ALOT of time doing it >.< haha. the comic draws on my fear of windows, always crashing when its a crucial time. erg. but i still like windows more! if ms takes away the activation crap i shall love it even more! XD


Saturday, April 23, 2005

time bomb's a-tinking~~

yo guys. heard about last week's catastrophe of my computer? (if you haven't check out my archives ^^) well things are resolved now, in a way. Windows now boots without ultra-long loading times, but a few things are really awry. like..... every single program the com used to have is still there.. but unrecognized by windows, meaning i cannot properly uninstall. all of them. i found a work-around... by re-installing them. kinda longwinded since i have ALOT of programs. on the plus side, all my trial programs seems to reset its timers, so now i have another 60 days for paint shop ! weee

on the down side... a big one. Windows now needs to be activated, online or thru phone. thing is... i lent yh the activation code once.. and now i cant use it. one use only. bleh. i'm starting to like Mac and its OSX more and more... !@#$.

on a side note, i might start a new comic line soon. maybe, if i master the comic drawing thing first.

days are boring now.. tho i suddenly find myself playing Halo 2 like crazy. lol. Xbox Live rocks!


Thursday, April 21, 2005


AUGH! curse all the computer-idiots in this world.
there is a reason why I don't let everyone use my new computer.. to safeguard it! i know for a fact that my computer is no Mac, and thus is vulnerable to every single virus/malicious program on this earth targeted at Windows, and PCs, ranging from the hardisk-wiping Uninstall of Myth II, to the global spanning big-guys, SoBig.

thus, the moment i become lax in my locking up of this holy black box, something happens. i have let my mom do many things. ALAS! for look! Norton Antivirus, Zone Lab's firewall have suddenly stopped functioning. And look, all the major websites for antivirus's and firewalls have become mysteriously dysfunctional. I have looked at a file she downloaded with suspicion, but i did not think it importent then...but now this!Is it a conspiracy to shut down the world's security? NO! it is but a powerful and efficient Trojan, at work behind the scenes of my computer, trying to disable my fortress of defence. but all hope is not lost. the first wall may be breached, but i have other defences waiting. already through a powerful foreign scanner i have detected this malicous wooden horse of deceit. and in a few clicks i shall end its reign of terror.

but... there is a problem that is still not yet solved. the trojan has done its job. Norton, my warning bird, is missing several critical files, making it impossible to start. my trusty firewall (which has stopped 300+ hacking attempts to date) seems unwilling to load. What shall i do?! I will not despair, not while a single line of code still runs.

Fie this world, and the heavens above!

ps. i have not gone crazy.. it is but the nerd in me speaking ;). and its true the computer is infected... i HAVE scanned and identified the little git...we will see if everything goes well after the restart

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

ridiculous gits

a new post! ...
this is another rant from me.. i guess i post nothing but rants now heh.
thats cuz i dont like to post dairy-like stuff... take this for example:

Woke up, ate a fish, scared a tourist

Woke up, ate a fish, scared a tourist

Woke up, ate a tourist, scared a fish

heck yea you get what i mean....
so no daily posts for me thats for sure. on that note i should probably get on with my rant huh
Today's Topic: the Government
I think... well.. in simple words, its getting a little ... daft. lol
it takes them a LONG time to decide on things, what with the debates, red tape, loopholes and all that crap. maybe its time to simplify things a little bit. also, its own rule... Pragmatism, is not really followed. What happened to LKY's liking for back-up plans and such. now everything that falls apart on the first try is abandoned.
One good example for this would be MOE's shiny new school registration system, just put to the test in the most recent JAE. guess what, it fell apart. the server couldnt handle the load (the load, infact, is considered light, where the internet is concerned. Halo 2 at Launch week probably had several times its load) the MoE couldnt compensate.. and was reduced to trying to curb the angry comments of parents and students. at the last days of the exercise the server size was expanded. guess what, by then, everyone's finished with it, however they did it.

a second example will be the most recent large political news here: "Casino,build or not to build"
after lots of debate, the senate has finally decided. It will not build a casino, for that will influence the population of Singapore. infact, it has decided to built two casinos!

i rest my case.
Just WHAT were they thinking? whatever happened to the ''degradation of society"?


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

rampant thoughts

Hi everyone... it seems that my new blog is being delayed more and more haha....
truth is everything is pretty much done, the only thing left is making a new blogger entry page into that site, and converting this site into merely a splash page...

well... as time pasts, it seems the whole idea of not getting in either DET or DMD is finally sinking into my head. *sigh* i really have no idea what to think of this. a small voice in my head tells me... "hey, you at least made it into IT, cheer up man"... but then, it still remains a fact that i wasn't good enough to get into either of those courses..... it all boils down to this like yea?
i wasnt good enough....................

heck, no point crying over spilt milk right? lol... yet, like the nagging voice of Creshinibon, sumthing keeps telling me to give up, to throw everything i've worked for away, to crawl into a corner and waste my life away. of course, i wont give in like this. no on this dream of mine... it might come to past yet!

watch out NYP, your best IT student has arrived! (heh.. i sound like Naruto)

Friday, April 08, 2005


YAY i finally recieved the damn package...
hmm... ok so commencement date is.. 30th May... so long still
and look! a student guide! **reads**.... hrrmph boring stuff...
looking thru the rest of the stuff now haha

anywayz... today is what you call an ''out of the line'' day...what do i mean? it means that today was unlike any other day... and by today i also mean the full 24hrs, including last night. well last night i had a meaningful discussion of... er... something, instead of going to sleep like usual. ended up sleeping only at 3am for some funny reason. and i got a ver impt question ( to me, i guess) answered! =) and then i only woke up at something like 4 pm **gasp**. heehee

then i recieved the stupid package when opening the mailbox! whoa that was a laaate thing. i'm supposed to send this in by next week! =/ looks like alot of paperwork

oh well... wierd post. er... the end. cya ;]

p/s: go read Shaman King, and Fullmetal Alchemiest... very nice, both of em

Sunday, April 03, 2005


well hey... didnt expect myself to post here still
but i'm here only to whine and complain this time, so tune out if you want.
who or what am i going to whine about? My brother. the little one, not my best friend. Just thinking about him irks me. this is the kind of time, when i wondered why i prayed for a brother when i was a kid. but hell does heaven have a sense of perverted humour, if it even exists. he's exactly the way i asked him to... and exactly the way i didnt ask, e.g. i forgot quiet, nice, obedient.


the immortal words of Koda the Bear, "I've always wanted a brother." seems to apply to me. i've always wanted a BIG brother dammit, not a little one. that was impulse. a big bro that protects me from the disapproving stares of my parents. one that teaches me the ways of the world. Maybe i found one already, i dont know... he's just my friend, and i dont really want to push the "Big Brother" title on him. i aknowledge he has a life...

i guess... i dont need to go on... so cya
(update: no more flash for me.... maybe after i start school me urge to learn would return)