Sunday, April 03, 2005


well hey... didnt expect myself to post here still
but i'm here only to whine and complain this time, so tune out if you want.
who or what am i going to whine about? My brother. the little one, not my best friend. Just thinking about him irks me. this is the kind of time, when i wondered why i prayed for a brother when i was a kid. but hell does heaven have a sense of perverted humour, if it even exists. he's exactly the way i asked him to... and exactly the way i didnt ask, e.g. i forgot quiet, nice, obedient.


the immortal words of Koda the Bear, "I've always wanted a brother." seems to apply to me. i've always wanted a BIG brother dammit, not a little one. that was impulse. a big bro that protects me from the disapproving stares of my parents. one that teaches me the ways of the world. Maybe i found one already, i dont know... he's just my friend, and i dont really want to push the "Big Brother" title on him. i aknowledge he has a life...

i guess... i dont need to go on... so cya
(update: no more flash for me.... maybe after i start school me urge to learn would return)


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