Tuesday, March 29, 2005


maybe the blog aint closeing as soon as i thought! haha...
blog construction has been on hiatus, so i think i'll finish it a lot later.. maybe around my birthday heehee. i blame it on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. and its younger brother. mainly because it is so damn addicting to see everything through. only when i'm done with one portion i can tear myself away from the game, and even then, the need to see the overarching story through will pull me back pretty quickly. well then, after i'm done with KOTOR2 i'll finish work on my new website, then finally begin my journey of learning the power of the Flash. i shall become a ...a... hrrm, what do you call someone who uses flash? nvm.

i'm gonna start learning to use Flash properly since i got a hold of the main program... yay! tho i would like dreamweaver too.. but to hell with it i'll make do with what i have.

extremely short post? i think so too ... **dives back into move lightsaber sizzling and blaster shooting**



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