Tuesday, October 19, 2004


ah.. the last few day.. din go to school. what a great change! finally i can actually concentrate on my work (tho.. the last day was totally used on somthing called...*drum roll* NARUTO!!!)
yea man, i found my new fav comic that will replace TCZ... yea its Naruto.. its about this boy.. at a small age his body has been used to seal up a powerful ninetail fox demon. now he's training to become a ninja... goddamn the thing is hilarious. tho touching, sad serious at times.. the funny parts are REALLY appropriate, and all the jokes hit right home =)

my mood really kena cheered up by the manga lor.. so fun. :] haha. ok lah... now left.. eep barely 10 days -.-'' haha STUDY! CHIOOONG AHHHH!!!!! *crashes into a lampost...*



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