Thursday, October 07, 2004


omg... finally fall sick. good time too -.-. fever + running nose + sorethroat = Flu. and guess what? theres no such thing as a cure for flu. had a chat with the goold doc. he told me that flu cannot be killed, it being a virus and all, the only sure way to prevent it is to get the flu vaccine every year ack. ah well, now i have to sit tight and let the human body take the wheel. erg.

feeling terrible right now.. like wanna ... wanna faint. eyes keep going out of focus, i think its the effect of the .. yellow pill thingy for the fever. (how come its yellow? i tot fever pills are white... and its not paracetamol) pfft. miss everyone at skool. dunt really know y haha. thx tina and y2 for caring yea. should have got a 2 day MC... but hell i got posessed and told the doc i only need 1 -.-. man i feel terrible. hope tmr wont be like yest, whole day zzZ in class cos so tired. even in CHEM!

whole body aching now... even my fingers. so.. i need to stop typing.. bye~


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