Monday, October 04, 2004


haiz... now everyday like the samez. PPP (post prelim preparation) has started. boring sia.. all lessons become two periods, with the exception of DnT which is continuos 4 period -.-;;... wtf.
and.. been staying back after school to study... works lah, which is good, at least sumthing to do. going to come n post less often now cos chionging for Os... those who've been reading all my posts have already seen my last post haha. oh yea. i'm gonna enable 3 day's post on the page, to fill up holes haha.

already started making plans for wat i'll do after Os... maybe.. go Sentosa camp with moi frends! working is for sure, probably at the arcade, but hopefully elsewhere (i dun mind being webbie admin haha). since already set my mind on a course in poly, i shan't bother myself with it.

hmm.. what else... oh ya.. everyone? JIA YOU!


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