Sunday, October 10, 2004

return to square one

once again i back track. few days ago, i decided to open a few more days up on the front page, so as to let readers who dont go online everyday to easily just scan through, but now i seem to have encountered a little problem. my page gets too long. so, i shredded the idea, n place only one day's worth of goods here. anyone who want to see previous posts will have to go to the Archives to see. sorry bout it.

anyway.. i've been wondering alot about everything this past few days. even more so today. gone out with hl and yh, and well, just about did everything you can in Parkway. and.. when going home, mom ask me to help her carry a few things for her n her friend. the friend ( i'll call her Carol now) brought her sons to help to. I just can't help but notice the closeness of the guys. one is Sec 2, the other, P5... 3 years apart (the older was born late december bah, or retain *shrug*) . i just compare to my own blood brother, and well, i notice a few diffs. we do NOT joke, or even talk unless neccasary, they fight over the smallest things, but in a very joking way, i dont you know, my bro and i never does that. in fact, i do this with yh more often then TF-2... :-/ wierd huh. yh becomes like an older brother to me, and our friendship, to me, is closer then the bond with my own blood brother. i guess its due partly to our enormous 8 year wide age gap, so that even after NS my bro will only be at P6... -.-''

and also... recent events have also made me think about my relationship with friends other then YH... well, i opened up myself to the social environment this year, to the tremendously good result with having 3-6 more really good and fun-to-be-with people. but, something big happens, and all just, well, like dust in a nova, all blown away. left a few heavy n true friends. i'm just sad. why can't there be more true friends like these? just... wishing.

to a few people, you have to understand others, before you judge them. you know who you are.

that is all,


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