Sunday, November 14, 2004

one post at a time...

wow... its a long time since i came here eh? heehee...
well, been very busy lately, what with the O levels.. Halo 2... surprising i'm even writing this at all. lol.the Os was.. ok.. i guess, since i actually studied and was at least confident i can pass. But, passing isnt enough, far from it. Erg. I dunno how i'm gonna actually do this. Right now most of the impotant subjects are out of the way.. i'm kinda left with... lemme see... ah.. POA(someone get Pillar of Autumn out of my head pls)... D&T... what else... umm i dont really remember =P

Halo 2... what can i say... its like i'm the only fan in Singapore whos actually following the Bungie trail.. thats damn boring. anyway.. sad to say the story is one gigantic dissapointment. well actually the story itself is very good, once you figure everything out. but the ending is terrible.. talk about cliffhanger! ... man. But then.. the game had its fun moments.. well .. lots of them. Bungie crafts things this way.. 30 secs of fun.. over and over again. this time emotions were an issiue as well.. For some reason i felt sad when Cortana decided to stay on a Flood infested ship, just in case she has to detonate the core of the ship itself to prevent the Flood from going anywhere.. after that i missed her chatter as i fought.. well more like ran like an idiot lol. that level was wierd, it was better not to shoot then shoot. well, all i can say is... get over Counter Strike Singapore!! goddamit it makes me sick just to hear to ancient gunshots in the LAN shops.. this country is like a what? time capsule for old games? look at what they're playing... CS.. Starcraft...RAII... when theres tons of newer, better games out.( even newer CS incarnations for god's sake...)

well.. thats a pretty long game rant...
hmm.. i'll draw up sumthing heehee.. tell me your comments! oh.. there are a few links below that shows off some wallpapers off the same character of this picture.. but very differently made... heehe.. see if you like =)

Sasuke plain (800x600)
Sasuke plain (1024x768)
Avenger (800x600)
Avenger (1024x768)

Enjoy =)


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