Tuesday, March 29, 2005


maybe the blog aint closeing as soon as i thought! haha...
blog construction has been on hiatus, so i think i'll finish it a lot later.. maybe around my birthday heehee. i blame it on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. and its younger brother. mainly because it is so damn addicting to see everything through. only when i'm done with one portion i can tear myself away from the game, and even then, the need to see the overarching story through will pull me back pretty quickly. well then, after i'm done with KOTOR2 i'll finish work on my new website, then finally begin my journey of learning the power of the Flash. i shall become a ...a... hrrm, what do you call someone who uses flash? nvm.

i'm gonna start learning to use Flash properly since i got a hold of the main program... yay! tho i would like dreamweaver too.. but to hell with it i'll make do with what i have.

extremely short post? i think so too ... **dives back into move lightsaber sizzling and blaster shooting**


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

new beginnings

hey everyone (if theres anyone still reading this derelict) ... gonna change my site soon. its gonna be over at -link- Complete Serenity -link- , completely replacing this blog. This site wil still remain, and become the "splash page" for the new site, cuz i think the site's name is really too long. haha. theres gonna be 2 versions of the page, one for people using 800x600, another for 1024x768. i'm using the latter, so obviously its gonna be easier to design for that.=) the main difference will be layout and where buttons and all that are placed.... right now only the 1024 version exists, when i am satisfied with that, i'll start work on the 8x6 version.

this page will become blank, when both sites are up and fully functioning. hopefully by the time that happens i would have learnt some Flash and make this page into something facinating, for a splash page heehee.

btw i got in Nanyang Polytechnic, yay. the bad news to me is that i failed to get in both Digital Entertainment Tech. and Digital Media Design ...=( ...*sigh* i'm stuck with lousy ole InfoTech. but ah well it helps me make webbies too! so thats not too bad, i hope.

thats all for this posts.. thx for reading ppl..

The Rampancy Logs
June 2004 - April 2005
I have walked the edge of the Abyss.
I have governed the unwilling.
I have witnessed countless empires break before me.
I have seen the most courageous soldiers fall away in fear.
[I was there with the Angel at the tomb]
I have seen your future.And I have learned.
There will be no more Sadness. No more Anger. No more Envy.
- Cortana

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Regarding games, censorship, and politics

In Singapore, the casino debate is polarizing the opinions of its citizens. In the US, something much less trivial is being debated upon. Believe or not, its GAMES.

The current topic is whether videogames nowadays are violent, and whether a more powerful control should be built over the current system. The are many... and I mean _many_ talks on this. The point is, unlike S'pore's casino, which would only affect Singapore and Singapore, the games issue would impact the entire gaming industry, which itself is already larger then the movie or TV ... Or DVD industries, despite being a lot younger.

my views on this matter depends. A lot of sites ask this question :
Are the majority of today's videogames violent in nature?

My answer will have to be yes. In my estimates 99% of games include violence, the only question is the level of violence, and how mature is the audience. Tetris is violent, since you witness blocks that explode whenever you tile them together. Mario is too, if you think it that way. The question is: will the gamers accept it, and what meaning do they get out of it.

Politicians have risen a new question of whether games factor into the new level of aggression inherent in our society's youth. The answer to that question is, in my humble opinion, yes, but only to a certain extent. The aggression in my view, being an adolescent myself, is instilled into us through society itself. The fact that we need to fight our peers for a upper hand in education, races or whatever, much earlier in life then our predecessors, is the cause of this inherent aggression. Games, in my opinion, is actually a way in which we blow off steam, much like movies. Even though scientist keep saying that games actually hike up this aggression through andrenaline and other BS, it is a known *fact* that after we finish a round of Halo, we feel exhilarated and that complete feeling of gaming bliss. That we would want to blow our fellow gamer apart with real guns is probably the last thing in our minds. (unless of course we lost horribly, but would that be different from a round of cards?)

This is where there is a hitch. Society has groomed us to be competitive, and capable of handling massive amounts of stress, but there are certain people whose minds just cannot do it. This anomalies, would start seeking places to vent that stress induced anger. And when they cant find it, they turn vaguely insane. This, I say, is what caused some of those crazed kids to go after their friends. For the rest of the 99.999% of gamers out there, I believe games are safe, some even educational and healthy, infact.

Anyway.. If Videogames is linked to crime, shouldn't movies like the Matrix, which talks about hacking and going against the "law", and board games like Risk, which promotes conquering the world be banned just in case another super-hacker or another Hitler come around? Treat games like an entertainment platform, not drugs. Thanks for reading


Friday, March 04, 2005

bad bad thing

pfft. you would think the ministry of education always planned ahead. they are part of the great forward looking Singapore Government are they not? well it seems no this time they failed miserably.

The Joint Admission Exercise went way wrong i guess, seeing as to how a server system could be down for pretty much 70% of the day. Even during non-peak hours the servers are snail-slow. Obviously it was not made to hold they weight of even one tithe of the entire Dragon-year cohort, waiting to enter the system to register their choices. On that note, i always thought the MoE was silly to put up an entirely new system when the Dragons come in. We always knew there would be alot of us, yet they insisted. Thus we come to witness the slowing down of both the slowing down of JAE and SingPass servers. silly silly ministry.

anyway.. they have extended the dateline of the exercise now its until monday but i dont really think it'll help things much. there would be people who are not able to submit their choices even then. things could have been done much differently. i can only hope next year they are sufficiently prepared.