Sunday, August 14, 2005

... not happy

... miserable enuff not to make a sketch for today

i wonder who actually reads this site. care to tag when u read it? i dont mind. infact i'll be happy to know exactly who is reading these Logs.

anyway, things have been boring lately. yea, discovered the wonders of DotA, discovered a new (well, old) anime called Slayers, but overall its been dull. my Html assignment's done and over with, and now i'm left with the web project. we need to hand it in by week 15.. now its week 12 already. what have we done? close to nothing's final. i still think individual work is much better. Coordinating this bunch is impossible.

heh, so maybe this is the dark side of poly education. too much competition, unlike in sec sch encouragement comes from everywhere. not to forget the teachers always "reminding" us of our due dates. lol.

oh well, reminicence time is over, back to work. cya all next time


Monday, August 01, 2005


i'm am very very pissed right now, so i'm using the blog to sound off. I made a post yesterday about something to do with the Jap module and me, so read that if you would rather not read this. Why am i pissed ya say? its because of some rather unthoughtful person, namely my mom.

see, my great-grandmother (mother of my mother of my mother) died a few days ago. her funeral's going on right about now. thing is, she asked me to go on the first or second day , i went, of course, to pay my respects, even tho i don't approve of funerals at all. see, IMO when a person dies he or she leaves, no matter how elaborate a funeral is he or she cant appreciate or feel it. and i dont believe in a "one god" either, or any number of gods either. I consider Mother Nature to be the most powerful force on this planet, second only to Man's self-destructive capability.

what happened then that made me so really irritated. well, this oh-so-thoughtful mom of mine had a great idea! she asked me to go TODAY, monday. its the last day of the funeral, and i thought why not? yea i was tired an all after a 8-6pm school day, but yea, last respects, no? problem arises here, after i went there, not 5 mins into the thing she spots me and waves me over to join her in the stupid prayers thing. i obliged knowing my mom, but i then realized this is only the first round of 3. omg. and i had no idea it was optional either. so there i was sitting there, breathing fumes, steadily getting faint and more and more annoyed. by the end of the first round i was gripping my head from a near-migrain level headache. well, as anyone who knows me well know i would, i lost my temper at the second round and stormed off (well that caused my head to split again, damn) i'm sure i offended a few of my elders there, but what do i care? I'm the one whos had a long day, and is having adverse effects from the fumes, and i don't even believe in this crap

I don't think i did anything wrong and i'm not sorry either, so don't bother berrating me.

TengFei - Blazorax
p/s: if my kids ever hold this kind of funeral when i'm gone, i'll literally rise from the dead and burn everything down. grrrrrrr