Saturday, June 11, 2005

anger hate self-destruct

i'm not worthy....

Monday, June 06, 2005

Death to all slackers!


i have to let some steamed off here, before everyone in IT0510-2 knows about this site. in truth, i am not "angry". more "fustrated" then "angry". This is what its all about: Group Project. Throughout my secondary school years there have been quite a few group projects. Every Single Time i get a slacker group, sometimes i go with the slacking, sometimes i don't. and when i don't, i become the ONLY person who does ANY FREAKING THING. Why don't i ever get to group with someone like Yan Xiang, Mark, and the others? GOD. At least YanXiang is more mature then the others, and is suitably enthusiasthic about his work. my group? i have a really un-enthu Leader who prefers to talk about Gunbound and YuGiOh then the project, i have 2 html idiots, who doesnt bother to look things up themselves. the last group member, is okay, tho abit too quiet (but i forgive him for that.. i used to be like that no?)

a whole freaking week has passed and we have done *nothing* at all. we are supposed to present and hand in our project proposal on Week 5, and finish the entire project by week 15. Talk about doomed. Add to this is the possibility i would actually get into the Halo 2 team. Stress.

I'm going to start on the project proposal... we do have a scheduled project discussion on thurs, but i predict we aint gonna get anything done there, so i might as well go out on a limb and start things up. hopefully all this group needs is a spark, to start a fire.


Project sux

group project sux. yay for individual work.
y do i say this? cuz my group, as usual, is a fuking slack group.


Friday, June 03, 2005

wee... a relaxed blog post today.

those reading this blog should know i've been posting rather... heavy post for a long time. sometime i really don't understand why i've been posting here. i'm no aspiring journalist. but wot the heck i just do it. justifies me creating a website. lalalalalalaa.... so hows me? hmm... i'm ok at school, nothing too bad yet. don't have a cca, but thinking of joining the mind sports club or sumthing. nothing bad with improving my weiqi playing ability right? its too bad only 2 ppl in my class have ANY experience at all with that game.

HTML is pretty boring. yes i know i'm sort of bragging, but whatever that is taught in this semester i pretty much know. all i need is a month and i'll have everything hardcoded into my brain. JAVA tho... java is a little more interesting. i've been thru the first practical, and its NOTHING like C++, in that it is actually more fustrating and longwinded. in short, i hate it. but i expect i'll come to like it more after i actually start remembering the syntax.

so. 1st week over. a few hundred more to go. Gambatte to everyone!.

TF Blazorax/Blazorboy



Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Gunbound World Champion

recently i've encountered a phenomenon that saddens me to the core. this ... event has to do with what we all know as "Gunbound". Softnyx has been listening to its fans on input, and thus decided to now lump every improvement it can into a new and exciting package. that package is in the form of a new game: Gunbound World Champion.

the thing that saddens me is not the release of a brand new Gunbound. It is the response. Look into any of the ingame chatrooms right now, and you can see hundreds of screaming little children yelling about how the new game sucks. worse, its the Singaporeans and other SEAsians doing this, while the rest of the world's gamers are trying to nicely ask them to stfu and deal with it. the new GB infact has many many new and good changes, including new mobiles, maps and stuff. What we cannot grasp, is that these good programmers and game makers are slaving away through the night (11-4am...AM) to make sure the new game runs smoothly. of course they're hiccups, crashes and all. but the game is in its infancy! whats worse is they're doing this for FREE.

i don't know whats wrong win the Singaporean crowd, i really don't. We somehow CANNOT cultivate this "Gamer's Code" stuff. be polite, dont scream and shout... all this. you want to know what i mean? go to the Gunbound online free forums and see for yourself.

i rest my case. STFU you farking noober. deal, or get the hell out. this applies to all free online games.
