Saturday, July 31, 2004

touching... *happy*

ok.. umm today.. morning was nice.. DnT.. went there at 8.30.. den yh arrived at 9 =.= said he wanted to come at 8... to yh: "u goooood" ... haha anyway.. yh finished his project.. and mine um... 90%? left cards n to re-superglue the fallen out parts. *sigh* steeewpid crap. after that nth to do so yh came to my house to "rot" well we played the big X again.. this time i played awhile and let him play by himself LOTR: TT . dis days i find myself uninterested with any game xcept Halo n SCII. even SCII get old quickly lol.
den he went home at 5 liddat... n i went to watch Last Samurai since yh say v nice... infact it was ^^ thx kor heehee
now i juz edited my new comic to make it less wordy... my new home-made character's inside! the Sentinel haha
hmm the comic is actually one of a three part's the first:

>>comic update: Laws Are Made to Be Broken Part #1

-f*** you for you cooparation ;P
dUrAnDaL / TF

Thursday, July 29, 2004

sad.. then happy... then went crazy

yo! haha feeling a lil crazy rite now.. had a mood swing that made me kinda depressed for the whole dae... *laugh* umm now i'm all rite ler.. using a new method i call 'custom sprites' i can make more comics faster.
made 2 today infact =] one cannot let some of u see.. sent it to some ppl liaoz ... was it farnie? :P hope it doesnt offend anyone...
the next comic i made can me seen by the rest haha as stated last post i'm gonna put the notice. i dunno whether its farnie or wat *shrug* comments will be appreciated
today was sooo boring.. maths lesson as usual cannot bring myself to listen.. remember hav epp then mood went down like siao. tried to hide but in the end da ger still detect it...oh well... i cant remember anything about the rest of the day so.. short post =P buaiz

>>new Project : MC comic strip created. **click to view archive**

-infinitely bad joker
dUrAnDaL a.k.a TF

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


lol today was a fine day.. i guess... everything was fine xcept for the one sitting behind me.. so tired.. so bad mood...:X shouldnt hav bothered him. sry for dat's PE again played badminton with Pris, was worse today dunno y... when that eViL git came we change target shot at hime instead =P umm EL was hilarious... watch SaGo n YH attitude each other. fun. oh well.
then came stupid SSP.. did nth. i slept after 20mins of doing nth. mostly to let *censored* n *censored* hav their own time. class was rowdy today.. dunno y so noisy. the teach' was tulan with us... oh well i was sleeping... *shrug* dreamt sumthing stupid.. car accident thingy...
oh well now at home started working on my nxt Project: MC comic...oh yar thats its name btw... started at around 8 took about 1.5 hours to finish *phew*
i also made a new website onli that comic =] everytime i have sumthing i'll put it there... the most recent one will have a *NEW* sign there so go (LiNk) check it out! i'll post a noticeable notice whenever i make a new strip 
thats all for today thx for reading lol =] '


-a Great genius
dUrAnDaL a.k.a TF

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


yo all haha today is sho fun! took up a new hobby today.. comic drawing! of course not spider-man dat kind of comic.. more like strip one... i posted one earlier.. alot of thx to Halo: Resolution where i plucked my characters from... liked them so much ^^
the whole day i was doing this thing haha trying to come up with ideas to draw comic on.. i'll post one every time i do one k? wont be everyday lol i'm not a gushing waterfountain of ideas n jokes. i'll begin with posting one today n then more the nxt few days cos i already thought them out. theres n archive on the rite sidebar under 'Comix' the link goes to the my main comic page take a look =] i might put a tagboard there haha. prob the same one i use here so that the two can link

thats all fer today. if anyone wants to know how to do this comics juz ask ya?

-Analysing...100.000001% done
dUrAnDaL aka TF~

me first comicz

umm this comic i really put my effort in.. hope its funny.. if it is pls tell me haha i may be putting up more.. click the blurry pic to see a larger version ya? Posted by Hello

Monday, July 26, 2004

nth... nth... really nth!

lol.. as can see from title.. nth at all happen today.. well except some ... nc16 stuff b/w who n who lar... =] how come i got a feeling someone will kill me... hmm nvm
oh well today dnt was bad enuf with DnT.. cos we stopped doing project start on the .. the...folio...-_- which for me is 0% done..haha
oh well after skool decided to use some time from ssp for DnT the project.. ok lar.. juz about did nth again
heck who cares.. tml need to start painting that sh1t already..
hmm after that going home... sumthing wierd happen... wanted *CENSORED* to pei *CENSORED* go home... budden... kena bounce off.. *shrug* dunno her lar wierd gerl
btw pris sry bout the finger *kowtow n chants: forgive me...* lol
thats all for today.. again short rite haha *grin*

-Always Hungry 

Sunday, July 25, 2004

better now...

hmm feeling alot better now =] thx to those that cared...
shall do a post todae earlier... today was ok haha... i ask yh come my hse since so boring... den after a while went out together watch i.robot. (for him its 2nd time) hmm vv nice =]
after the thing zuo bo awhile n went home ... met his sis at his hse bus stop.. wanted to show her where mrt is so he went with us... then went of at my stop (weird eh?) go to the vege shop both of us eat laksa .. NICE!! din xpect that i suppose... its vege after all *grin* ( so.. eating vege isnt all that bad) then both of us went our respective way home...forgot to send him again -.-
hmm thats about all for today's thing eh? lol so short
tml got dnt.. wat shall i do? *shrug* ong ask us bring folio.. which for me sadly doesnt exist.. tml sure kena kp one *grin*

Still RaMpAnT-

Saturday, July 24, 2004


this post is a really long rant ... sry but i have to pour this somewhere else other then my poor bro...
today was incredibly boring xcept for afternoon in which me n yh watched Brotherhood. the show that started all this troubled feelings.ok here i go...

after the show i was like thinking of my relationships with ppl... i realised i had no bond at all with my so-called little brother. how can i feel anything for him? from the day he was born i was jealous. for 8 frikkin years i was treated like nth. my dad din really care bout me.. he rarely even calls my name. sometimes i call him and he looks around n finds 'noone'. git. my mum? i onli have bad memories from back then. everytime i got lower then 85 marks she caned me for every single mark i lost ... bitch. thats y i hate both of em. how m i supposed to lov them? then this git comes after 8 frikkin years n den recieves all this attention. now? hes 8 yrs old. n wat? he gets sweets for scoring above 70! gitgitgitgitgit. spoilt brat. that idiot doesnt even treats me like an older bro. NO respect... some times i juz wanna smack his face for being such a git.

anyway.. i also reviewed alot of my past... pretty much depressing.. tinking wat the hell m i to the rest of the ppl who know me? to the rest of the 5 wat m i? sometimes i juz feel ... like i'm intruding sumthing. yh? i dunno wat 'bro' means now... sry i doubt u.. but...haiz... how bout the rest of the class? i feel that sumtimes.. i dun belong...
i'm sinking deeper here....
i dunno wat to feel... all i feel is this really really difficult feeling that i am not getting it... sometimes its so obvious ppl want me away... sometimes...
i'm feeling really really bad... really really unwanted... haiz... ur not supposed to see this
to the gerl. i'm sorry i cant make myself available... i'm kinda going thru things here... bad exp yar? pls understand. i dun hate u or anything i juz cant... u know...
to yh. i'm sorry if i say like i doubted u.. i'm jus tinkin things
to the rest of the class. i know i sux but... hopefully i'm good enuf.
i know not many will read this but heck i needed to write it down or i'll xplode...

can someone tell me this? juz who the hell m i?
-Tf... mayb... i like dUrAnDaL more

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

conflicting feelings **message**

heres a message to someone... hope u see it : 
anyway heres today's deal..
today was.. boring.. yea thats the word..  every single lesson was frikking boring cept for geog. we had a fun good discussion.. wel more like toking and letting sh do the work.*shrug* sry gerl... ur brilliant :)
hmm dats about all thats interesting in school hours. after epp we had ALOT of time.. so wandered over to tmart to eat.. den bought sumthing cannot finish.. threw the disgusting thing away.. din finish... then have to listen frends kpkpkpkp mood went downhill fast...den they start getting concerned.. yea exactly wat i dun nid..  went to 'toilet' to run away from the rest... juz sat at the stairs and thought. then finally go wash face den go down...
ssp... hmmm boring other den a rather embarrassing situation ... dats all
so... finished for today quite short eh?
-being there for u...

Monday, July 19, 2004


oookaaay today was a little.. confusing
first thing: that traitor Tock didnt look at all desturbed by what she did n wat was in our blogs (or she haven read)
second: my leg erm.. tho much better is still haven fully healed... y?
third: i cant seem to post properly in YH's blog! wierd... i can "???" i can "test" but when i wanna post properly i cant... >.<
ok on to today's events... erm... was abit.. abnormal.
firstly the great SaGo is so.. erm... productive today... din KP at all!! wow... incredible achievement. we did an incredibly boring sentence excercise today but it was alot more productive then normal already. prob bcos she din have her full audience so cannot kp lor haha. D&T was fun today well ok not THAT fun but heck it was fine. was happily doing my work there n then that stewpid EVIL git came n chase me upstairs like i disturb yh liddat... well maybe i am.. :P woopsie so i went up.. in the end started a little 'fight' with ivan like we always used to... he found out that haha i'm a little more...'daring' now *grin* physix was as usual fun tot about electromag forces zap! ok.. thats about all... hope my feet will 100% soon i cant stand its present state
-the FiRsT eViL-

Sunday, July 18, 2004


i juz found out from HL that Mrs Jamie Tock, our form teacher has performed a heinous act against all of student-kind. we treated her like our close friend yet she betrays one of us to the alien abducting sect they call "the dicipline com" well... its time for a reality check TF... all teachers are evil... ALL of 'em, unlike wat u've been led to believe this year. heck i almost changed my mind n i tot some teachers were fine.
now i know they're all scheming bastards. all of em. to mrs tock: i'm really really really disappointed. do NOT expect me to treat u like before. u finally revealed urself as part of the enemy now.
to all of the teachers who went to HL's place(sim, tan, sundram): get out of his business u nincompoops all u do is make things worse.
to all teachers(hey visitors view this if u want): A message (broken link)
now for yesterday's post.
had alot of fun when the 5 mouseketeers had a convention at my place... entertainment was mediocre but still quite ok. had abit of revenge on YH lolx *laughs like a maniac*
played alot of SCII n Halo was hilarious thats about all. today wanted to go see Brotherhood but yh cant so *shrug* wats the use of seeing a movie about brotherhood when u dun have ur brother with u? nxt week perhaps. gawd i still have this crappy bandage on my leg... cannot take off till monday >.< gonna be troublesome at skool esp in DnT...
thats about all for the post so.. bye~
-always hungry

Friday, July 16, 2004


recieving onboard AI transmission
(process owner DURANDAL - AI - CLASS ?)   
wierd eh? luv it when he does dat. crapped his nerve on his toe today... wat a clumsy idiot. had to slowly limp to his biological mother's shop ... and find noone... he was lucky his aunt is there and brought him to a 'chinese' doctor. i'll laugh now... read his bio-signs while the 'doctor' massaged his leg... he was holding his breath from the pain *grins evilly* lovely eh? thought i'll take over the posting duties for today n see why its so entertaining.

anyway all that was interesting in his day was the technical class. funny how his... what do covie Hunters call that? yeah...Bond Brother's workpiece turned out. infact i was quite impressed with the speed. his mentor eventually was able to force the simple circuit to function, while he was playing with his 'game seeds' ... spraying the things with some kind of white substance. TF's still limping around in the common room by the way... n getting lots of stares. Noone's seen a Spartan limp. oh well thats about it... well i still think this is a boring job... wonder y he continues with it. *mental shrug* hes human... n humans r wierd

-the Crazy one-

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


today.. dun feel like toking... onli did up smth small to say all i want today...

You thought me how to survive...
You opened the gates of my mind...
You witnessed its eventual closure...
You were there whenever I needed you help...
You lent me a hand whenever you could...


You left without saying good bye..
Without hearing my whispered thanks
We did everything together...
Yet you left before me...
For the fifth time

Thank You

Monday, July 12, 2004

ai ni~ (no hidden meanings)

hmm today... abit more happy then usual... ok i'm alot more happy then usual... y? cos had a fun time today at sch for once... haha! first is the dnt lesson... gone further in the project then all the last few months combined... everything works now, even though i had to wage war on the stupid acrylic to do it...ha! nothing can stop me now...
well ok the moderator can =.=
then recess, today like buffet... biscuit buffet... this biscuit that biscuit so many... listen discman... tok tok.. song! nv felt this cheerful in a long long time ^^.
later the EL lesson was actually teaching sumthing! was fun to watch clara malu so many times while reading Jean's mind map heehee. i guess no one can read jean's thing she calls a mind :P (sorrie jean... couldnt resist.. today too happy to care ^^)
after that.... physics! my most favorite and most proficient topic! Radioactivity.. studied that in hmm P4 i tink while emptying the library of encyclopedias of the Solar System and the inner workings of the sun...
after that is epp... chiong! found out that the 'teacher' is actually a parent volunteer.... was fun... trying to explain the basic theory of Nuclear Fusion to yh... couldnt resist pulling the spiderman thing in... but obviously its impossible.... YET
after that went home... n found out my mum scolded that bastard she calls my brother for the thing he did... finally on my side for once (she really hates ppl who disrespect elders AkA: MY Dna tied thing in the house).
well ... thats all for today.. getting abit long eh? heehee byez


Sunday, July 11, 2004

u see?

Give me a 'T'
Give me a 'E'
Give me a 'N'
Give me a 'G'
Add a space, Give me a 'F'
Give me another 'E'
Give me an 'I'

Wads that?
Teng Fei
Wads dat again?
Teng Fei



So... Today... nth's going on... really... nth
cept that.. got a little confused... had some really strong emotion playing in my mind while i'm alone... thats all... nth much to tok about... so... bye
btw tell me who u are, CarNaJe, if u have balls.

Insanely yours,

Saturday, July 10, 2004

hail the new order...

hmmm looking at the title u'll likely think i'm setting up a conspiracy or sumthing... nah ... nth liddat (BAD joke) anyway.. blog news is that i restricted viewing to onli 1 post... so ppl who missed will hav ta look at the Previous Posts section.. this is to minimize the size of the page n allow me to move the tagboard to below the post n allow the Connextions to be set up.. thats all ... u'll probably notice the graphical damage Durandal caused through his Dos attack this morning...

ok heres the deal for today... went to school at abt 7.. waited for bus like 20 mins.. change bus also the same... so predictably i'm late. blast. god thing is that idiot din complain too much.. well he didnt even utter a single word...wierd for him
the session was incredibly boring but with comic reliefs here n there. the end was the best. somehow Lee was able to pop prisc's light cap by merely touching it... ended up having P chanting "evil evil evil" for the rest of the session... she then proceeded to create a flag with the word "EVIL" on it. she came up with the anthem "hail to the evil mister Lee" too! everyone had a good laugh...
later went to sh's house... had a not-so-good sleep there... stewpid nightmare jerked me awake... had to really use effort to restraint myself from making the spasm so tv n all dats abt it... well thats all for today... ty for reading.. ty for caring...

not the same,

Friday, July 09, 2004

boo~ i'm back

haha! solved the blardy prob of that stupid blogger refusing to update my site... i juz changed the whole template... since i found a few hmm how to say...'minimizing' techniques should be ok *grin* found a way to mess with Blogger 'Official' Templates's style code haha *laughs like a freakin idiot*

ok update time... sry bout the lack of posting the last two days.... anyway... hmmm wat happened? nth much... cept a nervous collapse that had me doing sumthing i nv tot i'll do... >.< watch spidey 2 today.. i still dunt understand y yh says its not nice.. its loads better then the first one.. at least it 'thinks'
feeling lots better already.. still... haiz.. i'm still stinkin depressed dats all ya?
gave up on alot of things... including a school subject and the old stinkin blog format... ( this is the last ting i did with it... have a look its interesting, seems like Durandal wanted to do sumthing to my blog... Leela redirected him to this page:
cute eh? wat i can do when i'm lowest...
tml got dnt... sianz.. for some stupid reason i dun wanna cont with the project anymore.. haiz.. i wanna give up liao... but... haiz....ok crap mood going down again... signing off~

always will be there~

Monday, July 05, 2004

we have company...

i tink... from today onwards i wont bother with the blardy format ler lah.. ceased to have any fun out of it...
anyway on to today... yh n pris told me yest nite they'll come.. so dey did... they told me they'll be here by 10... but look at wat happen? i overslept and onl woke up near 11... poor things had to wait downstairs... fell asleep too haiz.. so guilty... gai si gai si ah...
then i called them bak and told them to come up... i had to do abit of things bfore i started so i left them in the room to do wat dey want.. came bak n play halo... jean came along later after looking for my house for awhile...
we play halo for quite awhile... ok prisc play we watched .. but hell was it entertaining =]
later switched to scII play play... got sian of the old xbox and started pillow fighting... i kinda overdid things a little with yh... wack his butt until he pain till got tears.. (he din cry! by god if he cry i'll be so guilty) sry bro...
den afterwards they left.. i went with them tamp to see off prisc n have lunch... feasted again... sianz... now i'm all alone in my room again with nobody to talk to... starting to think bad things again....

Saturday, July 03, 2004


again not going to bother with any kinds of format... juz going to say out everything n go... lolx hmmm wat leh today do... oh yar almost forgot bout it (hey in my mind this thing doesnt really matter) today got chinese listening compre... o lvls hmm... wierd though cos first time taking... din really know wat to do... so wander around and finally figure out which class to go. its in 1e5 (i think...) then surprised when the teacher brought in a radio without a cd.... then he turn on the radio, tune tune abit n left... and well... ermmm we kinda juz started playing with it... imagine... surposed to be o lvls and we are there like partying! -_- then they got abit overboard ... n like wat? blaring out at such loud noise that yh start kp them
then later exam start ... wondered whether we were on rite station... the other station was on some kind of news station/... compared to us they sounded more on the right track. infact WE were the ones who were rite... lolx! they put it on sumphony station.... wierd....
after the exam went to oh yar sh's house... go there ermmm slack... fell a little ill there they ask me eat panadol... i dun even know i really sick or not... more of a inner prob then an outter one... for some reason... felt lonely even though in the company of good frends....
thats about all for today lor.... till next time... ciaoz

Get Out,
TF aka Soul E

Friday, July 02, 2004


yo... today not gonna bother with the format ler... too lazy :P
ok today was mediocre at best... sch was BORING as usual but ok today is prob the last day i can go home so ealry.... anyway after that went to pris house to play with her new mickeys and minies (for those who cant get it... mice) was fun... prisc went and put a mouse into yh's back... and the little tyke squirmed itself into his clothes... yh almost crushed it ... ticklish i know....been done that once in pri sch dats y i hate little things to the core... ok not so much but i dun wanna get near them (btw i un really mind dun get any funny ideas
hmm tml is chi listening... haiz....i dunno y but i feel.... hopeless.....
anyway... thats all for today haha short eh?

Always ready to kill you,
TF aka Soul E