Monday, December 31, 2007

Eva 01 , Continued

Well! That didn't take as long as i expected... but then considering i took almost 12 hours to make assemble and paint the details without spray paiting, i guess i took longer then average?
Experimented with paint, and i guess the results are not too bad... the reds studs you see on his chest are painted red, then outlined with my black technical pen.

Some other extra things i did was the standard panel lines...i expected alot more, but since the Eva is more organic then a Gundam this is logical i guess. His left hand breaks easily, gonna glue the parts soon, but for now i'm leaving it like this after the 6th time it broke. =.=

The mess on the floor after paint and final assembly. heehee. As I type its still there... lazy to clean up... but i have to later =P

Eva, from a different angle. Sorry about the quality my phone hates me.

Thats it for tonight i guess... =)
look below for a review of the model kit.


Review: Neon Genesis Evangelion - Eva Unit 01 (Movie-Version) Model Kit, High Grade

Grading: B-

Since its my first model kit i assembled myself, this grading might be a little inaccurate. I some parts extremely difficult to separate from the sprues. Its not uniform, so i don't thing this is intended. Secondly some parts quite easily fall apart: the hands, and the torso of the unit easily separates when posing... makes posing a pain. Finally, the placement of some of the sprue attachments are questionable. Quite a few of the attached parts to the sprue were placed at extremely obvious positions. Not pretty.

Other then those quibbles, i'm happy with the model kit. Some or all of those problems might just be my noob-ness, maybe i'll redo the thing sometime in the future? The thing itself is realistic, and detailed, and extremely posable. (exception: arm. only between 90 and 50 degrees =/)

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Evangelion Unit-01 (Test Type)


Hee... I just got my pay (or allowance, whatever) last week you see, so I decided to splurge some. So... I decided to get me a model kit. Ever since I was a kid i loved big machines, so i really loved model kits. When i was like 6 my uncle from HK bought me a Gundam model kit, and within a year it was missing a head. =/ Oh well 6 is below minimum age anyway (~>.>)~.

So I decided that yea, I want a Gundam, so I went to Sunshine Plaza which is right next to my workplace, and scouted the place out. To my horror the shop owner told me the model i wanted (Freedom, Master Grade) won't arrive till next month. *sigh*. I can't control myself much, so i bought an alternative, Eva-01 "Movie Version".

*looks happily at pic* Yea, I like it. I spent a few hours today and yesterday working on it, and i'm halfway through now:
So here's my half built Unit01, with its waist and legs missing. Its sitting on my mom's sago... er... pot?
His chain gun! I want to watch the movie just to see it use this bad ass looking thing. I noticed after taking the pic that i was holding it upside down, but what the hell. =P
Since this is my first model, i won't paint the whole thing, but i will apply details and panel lines. It kinda looks a little odd with some of its details missing.. like red studs and black lines....
I'll post more pics when i've finished it.
Also, I got Eternal Sonata for the Xbox 360. I love what its shown me so far. Will post review after finishing. Cancelled Orange Box purchase, figured i'll be kept busy between building the Eva and its display, plus Eternal Sonata.
Well thats all for today's post. I think this is my first time posting pics? not counting that silly comic i posted last time of course. Night ~

Friday, December 28, 2007


LOL @ myself.
I said i would continue this blog didn't I? I think i remember something about a japan diary. well scratch all of that, since my old layout literally died. ripway decided i wasnt worth their 30mb and booted all those pictures to data hell.

But then i told myself i would like some place to keep my opinions on various stuff, and record my past, so i'm restarting the blog, hopefully for more then this one post this time. it'll be my memoirs, of a sort. Maybe i'll grow up, and if Blogger is still around 20 years later, i'll show this to my kids and we'll all have a laugh at how retro and dumb i was when i was ... 20 years younger.

So yea... i'm on my final semester in polytechnic now. National Service less then a year, and to tell the truth i am terrified. I don't know why i am so scared, or what am i afraid of, but i just am. Guess its my "phobia-of-the-unknown" at work again. Also, feeling the hate. Wasting 2 years of my life serving a country i feel complete no patriotic sense for is simply not my way of spending my time. *sigh* What can i do? Its a choice between spending 2 years learning how to fight an imaginary future war, and spending 2 years rotting in military jail. Not much of a choice, is it.

Thats it for the first post of a new age for this blog. Not much, full of complaints and a meaningless rant at a power i can't shake a stick at, but its a start. I'm gonna get me a Gundam model pretty soon, so maybe my next few posts will be about that. Next up, Portal... see you.