Sunday, December 31, 2006

Japan Journals Day 1

... I cant believe i haven't posted in this blog since July -.-. Ok, so i've been negligent, but lately there wasn't anything to post about, except mundane, normal stuff that probably nobody wants to hear. Anyway, during the holidays, i went to... JAPAN! the land of the rising ... sun? I went in winter, so the sun didnt really do anything except make my skin feel strange from the mix of hot sun and cold winds.

So whats this post about? Its to announce that i have posted part 1 of the 4 part Journal i made in Japan. It documents my findings, feelings, and adventures while being a ninja running around chasing rabbits. Just click the Japan link to go to the contents page. The rest of the Journal will be uploaded soonish~ yoroshiku!

<=== its there, you just have to look for it

OH, and Happy New Year to anyone who reads this!